Chairman Wheeler's Response to Rep. Eshoo Regarding GAO Report on Data Caps

In late July 2014, Rep Anna Eshoo (D-CA) wrote to Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler to share the preliminary findings of a Government Accountability Office study on “usage-based” broadband pricing, referred to many as data caps. Rep Eshoo wrote that such pricing is threat to the free and open Internet and she asked Chairman Wheeler to consider GAO’s findings as the FCC considers new network neutrality rules.

On August 27, Chairman Wheeler wrote back to Rep Eshoo promising hat the GAO data would be made part of the record. He said, “I am concerned about usage-based practices that affect the speeds and service that customers receive. I am deeply troubled when I hear reports of providers slowing down speeds for selected customers under the guise of network management.”

Chairman Wheeler's Response to Rep. Eshoo Regarding GAO Report on Data Caps Letter (Wheeler)