Republicans vs. Democrats TV survey results: Lefties want comedy, right wingers like work

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Republicans don’t watch MTV’s Jersey Shore. But they dig ABC’s Castle. Democrats don’t like Discovery’s Deadliest Catch. But they swoon for NBC’s Parks and Recreation. Those are a few of the findings from an annual research survey by Experian-Simmons that measures the consumer preferences of various political ideologies.

Experian-Simmons calculated some of the favorite — and least favorite — TV shows of political partisans. (Specifically: the report measures which shows among the survey group were watched by the highest concentration of self-identified “Liberal Democrats” and “Conservative Republicans.”) In the findings, “sarcastic” media-savvy comedies and morally murky antiheroes tend to draw Dems. While serious work-centered shows (both reality shows and stylized scripted procedurals), along with reality competitions, tend to draw conservatives.

Republicans vs. Democrats TV survey results: Lefties want comedy, right wingers like work