More Rules on DTV Consumer Education Initiative?

The Federal Communications Commission released an order Wednesday modifying its requirements in consumer electronics manufacturers and telecommunications carriers to inform consumers about next year's shutoff of traditional analog television signals. The FCC proposed new rules to expand telephone companies' requirement to inform low-income subscribers to include all subscribers. The FCC also asks if cable and satelitte TV operators should be required to show public service announcements on their systems that would inform viewers about the transition. FCC Commissioner Robert McDowell released a statement saying, "Why then are we seeking comment about whether to require something that the industry is already doing? Where is the need for government regulation? Because this issue is being addressed in a notice, I cast a concurring vote. I am highly skeptical, however, about further Commission action being needed. In our previous order, we required all MVPDs to provide notice of the DTV transition to their subscribers in monthly bills or billing notices, for each month starting with this one and ending after the transition is completed. We already mandated speech by MVPDs to serve a governmental purpose. Going further to again mandate speech - in the form of on-air ads - should raise First Amendment concerns that we all should carefully consider. I would prefer that we resist the temptation to intervene where we are not needed."

FCC Commissioner Robert McDowell

More Rules on DTV Consumer Education Initiative? FCC Commissioner Robert McDowell