
In December 2012, the FCC proposed new rules governing how wireless broadband providers can share the airwaves with government users, adopting an innovative model first proposed earlier this year by the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) in its landmark report, Realizing the Full Potential of Government-Held Spectrum to Spur Economic Growth.

Department of Defense outlines spectrum moonshot endeavor during eclipse

They’re calling it a moonshot—akin to sending men to the moon in the 1960s.

Emerging Mid-Band Radar Spectrum Sharing Feasibity Assessment Report

This report fulfills an Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act requirement that the Department of Defense conduct research and development, engineering studies, economic analyses, activities with respect to systems, or other planning activities to improve efficiency and effectiveness of the spectrum use of the Department of Defense in order to make available electromagnetic spectrum in the 3100-3450 MHz band for reallocation for shared Federal and non-Federal commercial licensed use and for auction.

National Spectrum Strategy Implementation Plan

The National Spectrum Strategy released November 13, 2023, charts a course for sustained US leadership in advanced wireless technologies and services. The radio spectrum provides numerous forms of connectivity to the American public, from the voice and data communications that fuel smartphones to critical government services that depend on spectrum access, and it therefore serves as a key foundation for the digital infrastructure on which the modern American economy runs. The Implementation Plan provides a public roadmap for this effort.

5G spectrum debate heats up ahead of Biden's implementation plan

Spectrum is a hot topic in Washington these days, as lawmakers, lobbyists, regulators and others look for advantage ahead of the release of an implementation plan for the Biden administration's national spectrum strategy. The latest: A new bill from two top Republican Senators would require the government to reallocate at least 600MHz of midband spectrum for commercial use within three years.

Cable and wireless lobbyists clash over the future of FWA

Lobbyists backed by the cable industry are working to prevent 5G providers from obtaining more spectrum in the lower 3GHz band.

FCC Announces the Membership and First Meeting of the Technological Advisory Council

Federal Communications Commission Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel has appointed members to serve on the Technological Advisory Council (TAC). The TAC is comprised of a diverse group of leading technology experts.

Advancing US Wireless Excellence—The Case for Global Spectrum Harmonization

The role of spectrum has evolved with each wireless generation, and the growing demand for it is expected to continue in the coming years. Meeting this rising demand requires making a substantial amount of mid-band available in a way that balances various interests with broader economic and societal benefit. Spectrum harmonization is one such strategic approach, which involves aligning spectrum regulation and commercial allocations with other countries.

Federal Communications Commissioner Gomez says connectivity and spectrum are her top priorities

Federal Communications Commissioner Anna Gomez, who joined the agency in September 2023, said that her top priorities for the FCC include setting the stage for vibrant competition and promoting connectivity for every consumer. Key to that connectivity is making spectrum available, which the Commissioner said is an area of top importance.

CTIA presses for FCC auction authority, speedy execution on spectrum plans

The United States’ leadership in spectrum policy, 5G and reaping the economic benefits of the most advanced mobile networks are in jeopardy and have to get back on track, CTIA’s president and CEO says in a strongly worded new blog post. The biggest symptom of the problem?

America’s Spectrum Policy: A Roadmap for Action in 2024

Over the past year America’s spectrum policy faced an unprecedented set of challenges that jeopardize America’s 5G leadership and Americans’ ability to reap all of the economic and geopolitical benefits of a dynamic mobile broadband network and the ecosystems it supports. To overcome those challenges, 2024 must be a year of action for US policymakers if we are to maintain our global competitiveness, meet rapidly increasing consumer demand, and drive the innovation and growth we all want in the United States. Specifically, America’s wireless future hinges on: