July 2010

Digital Diplomacy

A long look at Jared Cohen, the youngest member of the State Department's policy planning staff, and Alec Ross, the first senior adviser for innovation to the secretary of state.

On Twitter, Cohen, who is 28, and Ross, who is 38, are among the most followed of anyone working for the U.S. government, coming in third and fourth after Barack Obama and John McCain. This didn't happen by chance. Their Twitter posts have become an integral part of a new State Department effort to bring diplomacy into the digital age, by using widely available technologies to reach out to citizens, companies and other nonstate actors. Ross and Cohen's style of engagement — perhaps best described as a cross between social-networking culture and foreign-policy arcana — reflects the hybrid nature of this approach. Two of Cohen's recent posts were, in order: "Guinea holds first free election since 1958" and "Yes, the season premier [sic] of Entourage is tonight, soooo excited!" This offhand mix of pop and politics has on occasion raised eyebrows and a few hackles (writing about a frappucino during a rare diplomatic mission to Syria; a trip with Ashton Kutcher to Russia in February), yet, together, Ross and Cohen have formed an unlikely and unprecedented team in the State Department. They are the public face of a cause with an important-sounding name: 21st-century statecraft.

FCC Announces Agenda for August Meeting

The Federal Communications Commission, fresh off it's July meeting, announced the agenda for August 5. The FCC will consider:

1) A Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that benefits consumers with hearing loss by ensuring that advanced and innovative devices that provide telephone voice communications are hearing aid-compatible.

2) A Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and Notice of Inquiry seeking to remove regulatory barriers to the use of spectrum for wireless backhaul and other point-to-point and point-to-multipoint communications, to promote broadband competition and investment in rural and non-rural areas.

Identifying the Attacker Can Play Important Role in Cybersecurity

On July 15, the House Subcommittee on Technology and Innovation held a hearing to discuss cyber attack attribution—determining the identity or location of an attacker or an attacker's intermediary—and how attribution technologies can affect the anonymity and privacy of Internet users.

"We are well aware of the critical role that IT networks play in managing much of our day-to-day activity—from online banking to systems that make sure there is food on grocery store shelves," said Subcommittee Chairman David Wu (D-OR). "Our growing reliance on networks has made us more vulnerable to cyber attacks and has increased the potential for such attacks to have far-reaching and crippling effects. Now more than ever, we need to focus on the development of tools and technologies to prevent, detect, and respond to cyber attacks." As more and more of the Nation's infrastructure becomes dependent on the Internet, the potential impact of a successful cyber attack against the United States increases. Attribution technologies play an important role in limiting the effects of such crippling attacks. "However, given that the Internet is intended to be open and anonymous, the attribution of cyber attacks can be very difficult to achieve and should not be taken lightly," stated Wu. "As co-chair of the Global Internet Freedom Caucus here in the House, I am very concerned about the potential implications to privacy and Internet freedom posed by attribution technologies." Members and witnesses also discussed what research and development is needed to address capability gaps in attack attribution and who should be responsible for completing that R&D.

Why Google Launched App Inventor

Earlier this week, Google released tools designed to help non-programmers build their own apps on the Android platform. The move is consistent with Google's strategy of boosting worldwide consumption of mobile data -- and with that, mobile advertising.

And though App Inventor is unlikely to be used by many novices to produce compelling smartphone applications in the near-future, in the long-term, App Inventor could be a game-changer. The strategy behind App Inventor is simple: Create more places where Google can place ads and generate revenue, and build on Android's momentum by opening the platform even to dilettantes. The problem, though, is in the value of the new inventory: Deep-pocketed advertisers won't let their high-profile brands be soiled by appearing in third-rate apps; Android Market is already developing a Wal-Mart-like reputation. App Inventor could be a huge lift for Google in its mobile advertising race with Apple, but only if it helps produce apps that people really use — and inventory advertisers will really pay for.

MAP: Lifeline key to achieving social justice goals

In comments filed at the Federal Communications Commission, the Media Access Project says affordable access to telecommunications services by low-income households plays a key role in achieving social justice goals. If not for the FCC's Low-Income Universal Service Fund programs Lifeline and Link-Up, many low-income households would be forced to forego basic telecommunications services to meet other needs, such as food and shelter.

MAP says eligibility criteria should be based on a reflection of meaningful but inclusive definitions of low-income and affordability. Studies show that even low-income families earning at or below 200 percent of the federal poverty level would not find basic telecommunications services affordable, and such findings provide strong support for increasing Lifeline eligibility from the current 135 percent threshold. Allowing residents of homeless shelters to be automatically eligible for the low-income programs would empower these individuals to change their economic situations, maintain contact with friends and family, and improve such residents' own sense of dignity and self-sufficiency.

MAP urges re-examining the one-per-household rule, which may have pernicious and unintended effects that dampen participation by eligible recipients who reside in homeless shelters and other group residences such as co-housing and multifamily housing. The rule also may require individuals receiving low-income assistance to choose between mobile services and more robust wireline broadband offerings, thereby denying such individuals the chance to take full advantage of opportunities for economic advancement, educational enrichment, civic participation, and social engagement.

The filing supports the expansion of the Low-Income program to support in better fashion individuals' adoption of broadband and mobile services, while emphasizing that Lifeline and Link-Up must continue to provide support for basic telephony and connectivity in instances where more advanced offerings are not available.

Google execs: Android costs are "not material"

What does the Android mobile operating system mean to Google?

Chief Financial Officer Patrick Pichette said the important thing about Android is that most of the "key products" are not made by Google — in other words, the phones are built by device manufacturers by Motorola. So from a cost perspective, Pichette said Android is "not material." As for making money, Jonathan Rosenberg, senior vice president for product management and marketing, reiterated that Google's goal is to bring more people to Web and to search, where the bulk of its revenue comes from. "On these devices, the most popular app is the browser," Rosenberg said. Pichette added that mobile traffic to Google's properties has grown 500 percent in the last two years, and Android has been "an accelerator" of that.

CPB Rules may favor TV mergers, limits on website ads

Draft rules for allocating Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) Community Service Grants (CSGs) to public television stations recommend a new wave of incentives for mergers and other joint operations.

The incentives -- ranging from $500,000 to $1.5 million per station -- plus economic pressures from the recession, could give an extra push to CPB's ongoing matchmaking efforts. Four stations in the Los Angeles area, for example, have been discussing possible collaborations since January. Another proposed provision would require stations to apply noncommercial underwriting rules to website advertising if they want to count the revenues as "nonfederal financial support" in calculating their CSGs. Public television station leaders are now reviewing the recommendations from a 17-member CSG Review panel that's been working for eight months to update CPB's rules for dividing up the largest piece of its congressional appropriation.

Fresh Air removed from Mississippi Public Radio

Mississippi Public Broadcasting dumped the popular NPR show "Fresh Air" and its host Terry Gross on July 12, citing "recurring inappropriate content." Speculation ran wild that the inappropriate content might be political, or related to its recent gay rights interviews. But, nope, it turns out it was an interview with Louis CK, in which he talked about having sex with his shirt on.

Indecency In A Post-Fox World: What's Up Next?

[Commentary] Now that the initial hoopla attendant to the release of the Second Circuit's Fox decision has quieted down, let's take a gander at legal scenarios that might be in store for us. Most obviously is the prospect of further efforts by the Federal Communications Commission to convince some court, any court, that the Second Circuit panel's decision was wrong.

The options available to the FCC are:

  1. Petition for rehearing to the Second Circuit panel. This would require the FCC to convince at least two of the panel's three judges that the decision they just made was wrong. Good luck with that.
  2. Petition for rehearing en banc to the full Second Circuit. This would require the FCC to convince at least six of the ten active judges sitting on the Second Circuit that the whole court should take a look at the panel's decision. According to the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure, en banc rehearings are generally "not favored" and "ordinarily will not be ordered". So good luck with that, too.
  3. Petition for writ of certiorari to the U.S. Supreme Court. This is the classic "taking it to the next level", and is probably the best appellate option the FCC has. But the Supremes are under no obligation to review the case; in fact, the odds are that they won't agree to review any case (in the term ending in June, 2009, the Court reportedly denied 98.9% of the cert petitions filed). Still, the Court heard the Fox case back in 2009, so the Supremes obviously have some interest in it. If the FCC wants to keep the ball alive on the judicial side, Supreme Court review is likely its best bet.

Of course, the Commission could also just run up the white flag and forget about appealing any further. In that case, its indecency options would be reduced to two:

  1. go back to the drawing board and attempt to develop an indecency enforcement policy that passes constitutional muster; or
  2. accept the fact that indecency is not susceptible to government regulation.

FCC waiver opens door for digital mobile TV receivers that won't receive most stations

A big chunk is missing from the armor of the All-Channel Receiver Act, the law that lets the Federal Communications Commission require every television receiving device to receive all TV channels.

The FCC has adopted and enforced all-channel rules in the past, applying them not only to conventional TV sets but also to any device with a TV tuner - even VCRs and DVD players that have no video screen. The rules have required reception of not only all channel numbers but also all transmission formats. A half century ago, the FCC required all TVs to have UHF tuners to receive Channels 14-69. More recently, it insisted that all receivers include digital receiving capability, and handed out hefty fines for anyone trying to dump their inventory of analog-only TVs without adequately warning purchasers they were buying soon-to-be-obsolete hardware. Today's new video frontier is digital mobile TV.

Manufacturers recently started producing mobile digital TV receivers that do not have analog tuners, because analog tuners mean a little more cost, more weight, and less battery life. Some versions cannot even receive conventional digital television, the kind we watch at home. A small minority of TV stations add a special "mobile/hand-held" (M/H) bitstream to the standard digital signal for better reception in a mobile environment. Some of the new digital mobile TV devices require this bitstream to work - as a result, they can't receive any analog or most digital TV stations. In other words, the new devices with those limitations violate the standards imposed by the FCC under the All-Channel Receiver Act.