Rep Eshoo accuses AT&T of 'threatening the open Internet'
Rep Anna Eshoo (D-CA), who represents Silicon Valley, slammed a business move by AT&T that she says threatens the openness of the Internet.
She took aim at AT&T’s new “Sponsored Data” program, which will allow websites and applications to pay for preferred access. “The announcement of a sponsored data program by AT&T puts it in the business of picking winners and losers on the Internet, threatening the open Internet, competition and consumer choice,” said Rep Eshoo, ranking member of the House Commerce Subcommittee on Communications. Rep Eshoo said the move shows the need for an expansion of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Open Internet Rules, which keep Internet providers from treating Internet traffic differently but do not yet apply to wireless services. “It’s exactly why net neutrality rules came to exist in the first place and why these rules should apply equally to all forms of broadband Internet service,” she said. Rep Eshoo questioned the benefit to consumers that will come from AT&T’s new program.