Protecting the 2016 Elections from Cyber and Voting Machine Attacks

House Science Committee
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
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The purpose of the hearing is to review the current voluntary guidelines for protecting voting and election systems, and whether such guidelines and protections are being effectively implemented in advance of the upcoming elections. This review will include the security of the election system in its entirety, including the security of: electronic voting machines, votes transmitted over the internet through email or e-fax, voter registration databases, and vote tally databases. In addition, the hearing will address the research and development that is underway to protect future voting and election systems.


  • Dr. Charles H. Romine, Director, Information Technology Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology
  • Hon. Tom Schedler, Secretary of State, State of Louisiana
  • Mr. David Becker, Executive Director, The Center for Election Innovation & Research
  • Dr. Dan S. Wallach, Professor, Department of Computer Science and Rice Scholar, Baker Institute for Public Policy, Rice University