Apple wins ruling to end Samsung’s smartphone infringement

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Samsung should have been forced to stop using three of Apple’s smartphone patents when they were found to be infringing, the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit ruled Sept 17. The decision is a major victory for Apple over its largest manufacturing rival -- and could have broader implications for the use of smartphone patents.

In a 2-1 decision, the three-judge panel ruled Apple was entitled to injunctive relief against Samsung, in addition to the nearly $120 million that a lower court already awarded the iPhone maker in the case. The case dates back to Apple’s lawsuit in 2012 alleging Samsung infringed on multiple patents for new touchscreen smartphones, including slide lock, autocorrect and the process in which iPhones can detect phone numbers or addresses in text and automatically create a hyperlink. The case will now go back to the district court to be resolved.

Apple wins ruling to end Samsung’s smartphone infringement Apple appeal win could force changes to four-year-old Samsung phones (The Verge)