Colbert spawns army of crazy super PACs

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In late March, Stephen Colbert expanded his super PAC experiment, admonishing his late-night viewers to start organizations of their own on college campuses across America.

They listened, and now the Federal Election Commission's roster of approved super PACs is filled with groups registered to addresses in college towns. For much of the past year, Colbert has been using his show on Comedy Central to poke fun at the Supreme Court's Citizens United decision, which eventually led to the creation of super PACs. Colbert has a super PAC of his own called Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow. The comedian has solicited donations, spent money on campaign ads and illustrated just how easy it is for corporations to route money to super PACs while remaining anonymous. To help nudge students down the road to super PAC ownership, Colbert sold 1,000 "do-it-yourself super PAC kits," to viewers in recent months. "The kits provide students everything young people need to form their own super PACs," Colbert said in a press release. "Federal Election Commission paperwork, filing instructions, an allen wrench, and a small canned ham that resembles Karl Rove."

Colbert spawns army of crazy super PACs