Fashion, politics, and feminism: The women’s magazines for a new generation

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Broadly, a new women’s vertical from Vice that might best be described as macho-feminist, was announced in early 2015 and launched in August, joining several recent media sites for millennial women that are making some interesting moves. Examples include The Skimm, a daily e-mail news brief, and Refinery29, a fashion blog-turned-media company that’s expanding into news. Earlier women’s sites like Jezebel, xoJane, and Bustle share a model inspired by the pre-2010 blogosphere: lots of confessional “It happened to me” posts, celebrity gossip, and personal takes on social issues. The more recent crop of sites seem to be getting increasingly serious: They’re paying more attention to news and politics, especially on women’s and social issues, but packaged with the right amount of edge (Broadly), twee (Refinery29), and Sex and the City references (The Skimm) to be taken seriously by the savvy millennial woman.

Fashion, politics, and feminism: The women’s magazines for a new generation