FCC Eliminates Broadcast Station License Posting Requirement

In this Report and Order, we eliminate the provisions in Parts 1, 5, 73 and 74 of our rules that require the posting and maintenance of broadcast licenses and related information in specific locations. In May 2018, the Federal Communications Commission issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) seeking comment on whether to eliminate license posting rules that appeared to be redundant and obsolete now that licensing information is readily accessible online through the Commission’s databases. Commenters in this proceeding unanimously support the elimination of these rules. As detailed below, we find that eliminating these requirements, which applyin some form to all broadcast licensees, will serve the public interest. In doing so, we advance the Commission’s goal of modernizing our media rules and remove unnecessary regulatory burdens that impede competition and innovation in the media marketplace.

FCC Eliminates Broadcast Station License Posting Requirement