Feds Should Control Spectrum Use
[Commentary] Contrary to Holman Jenkins's "Broadcasters and the Spectrum Wars" (Business World, April 13), government must play a vital role in aggregating and repacking spectrum so that this finite resource is made available for its highest and best use, expeditiously cleared of incumbent users, harmonized nationally and when possible, internationally.
This concept has been supported by the Obama administration, a majority in both the House and Senate and more than 100 leading economists. We need the federal government to actively participate in ensuring that the U.S. wireless industry remains the world's leader. The U.S. has perfected the "virtuous cycle of innovation," which means as long as clear and harmonized spectrum is available, networks are updated, spurring the release of advanced devices, which in turn generate new apps and content that drive consumer usage and demand, leading to still further improvements.
[Steve Largent is President and CEO of CTIA-The Wireless Association]
Feds Should Control Spectrum Use