Internet Management: Structured Evaluation Could Help ICANN Transition

The Government Accountability Office was asked to review implications of the National Telecommunications and Information Administration's (NTIA) proposed transition of its oversight of the coordination of certain key Internet technical functions (such as the domain name system) to the global multistakeholder community.

This report examines: (1) the process of developing a transition proposal and addressing identified transition risks, and (2) NTIA's plans to evaluate a proposal. GAO reviewed NTIA's evaluation plans and identified frameworks for NTIA to use in its evaluation; reviewed transition documents; and interviewed officials from NTIA, other federal agencies assisting NTIA with the proposed transition, and the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), as well as stakeholders selected based on their technical, commercial, and academic backgrounds. GAO recommends that NTIA review relevant frameworks for evaluation and use applicable portions to help evaluate the transition proposal. The Department of Commerce concurred with the recommendation.

Internet Management: Structured Evaluation Could Help ICANN Transition