Level 3 Calls For Internet Access Conditions On Comcast/NBCU
Level 3 Communications brought the fight with Comcast over Internet connection fees to the Department of Justice and the Federal Communications Commission, asking the agencies to impose conditions on Comcast's deal for NBC Universal that would guarantee large backbone providers like Level 3 wouldn't have to pay Comcast to deliver Internet traffic for five years.
Specifically, Level 3 wants the FCC and DOJ to impose conditions in effect for five years following the closing of the Comcast/NBCU deal that would force the cable operator to provide cost-free interconnects with requesting Internet backbone companies "meeting such nondiscriminatory, fair and reasonable requirement as Comcast may choose to specify." Level 3 suggested the criteria for settlement-free interconnection may include the number of announced routes and the extent of customer interaction between the networks.
Level 3 Calls For Internet Access Conditions On Comcast/NBCU Level 3 brings fee dispute into Comcast-NBC deal (National Journal) Comcast-Level 3 dispute lingers as FCC net neutrality vote approaches (Connected Planet)