Obama campaign launches first in SF: Technology campaign office

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There’s no shortage of Obama volunteers in politically deep blue California, where his support is higher than elsewhere. But not every volunteer is up for slogging into a local campaign office and banging out a couple hundred rah-rah calls at a phone bank or going door-to-door and talking to strangers. So the Obama campaign has, for the first time, opened a new type of campaign office in San Francisco: A Technology Field Office. It is believed to be the first such type of campaign office for a presidential campaign. “We learned from 2008 that using the talents and skills of our supporters was a key to building the most effective organization,” said Obama campaign deputy press secretary Katie Hogan. “We’re taking the next step by providing tools and space for supporters in the technology community to help the campaign extend our current tools like BarackObama.com and our mobile applications.”

Obama campaign launches first in SF: Technology campaign office Obama campaign opens tech field office in San Francisco (CNet)