Pence just made clear that Trump’s media cease-fire was a one-night-only thing

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For one night, in his address to a joint session of Congress, President Donald Trump laid down arms in his war against the media. Vice President Pence made clear the next day on MSNBC's “Morning Joe” that President Trump's tonal shift is not permanent. This was his exchange with co-hosts Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough:

Brzezinski: Is the war on the media over? Are we going to hear the words “fake news” anymore or is that page turned?
Pence: Well, I think what you have in this president — and frankly all of us in the administration — is a willingness to call out the media when they play fast and loose with the facts.
Brzezinski: He called us the enemy of the people. It's pretty strong terminology.
Pence: Yeah, well, Mika, when you see some of the baseless and fabricated stories that have come out and been treated with great attention, you know, it's frustrating.
Scarborough: But, you know, “enemy of the people”? That's a Stalinist term.
Pence: Well, look —
Brzezinski: And blocking media. Are we going to see that again?
Scarborough: Was that a turning point? He's moving away from that sort of rhetoric?
Pence: I think one of the reasons why President Donald Trump was elected is because he's a fighter. The American people want a president who will fight for their future, who will fight for American jobs, fight to make America strong in the world again but also, you know, he's willing to make his case and challenge his detractors when unfair criticisms come his way.

Pence just made clear that Trump’s media cease-fire was a one-night-only thing