President Obama is now letting US telecom carriers go to Cuba

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As part of Washington's normalization with Cuba, the Treasury Department is relaxing more of its sanctions against the small island nation. Now, more Americans will be able to travel to Cuba, and it'll be easier to send money and set up bank accounts there. But the change in policy also lays the groundwork for a much more substantial transformation of Cuban culture and politics.

You see, the Obama Administration isn't just opening up diplomatic relations. By loosening its telecommunications restrictions, Washington is also making it possible, for the first time, for US telecommunication and Internet providers to enter Cuba in a meaningful way. U..telecommunication companies will be allowed to set up shop in Cuba, partner with Cuban entities, and enter into licensing agreements with them to provide the country with connectivity. What's more, Americans will be allowed to hire Cuban software developers and bring their mobile apps into the United States. This is a huge deal. US venture capitalists consider Cuba a fantastic investment that's just waiting to flourish. Cuban-designed apps could help facilitate interactions between family members an ocean apart, for instance, or put add momentum to the country's own, local economy.

President Obama is now letting US telecom carriers go to Cuba