Rep. Dingell to FCC Chair: hold off on re-regulation of broadband (update)

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Rep John Dingell (D-MI) urged Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski to hold off on the agency's push to re-regulate broadband service providers.

Rep Dingell said Chairman Genachowski had not yet responded to a letter sent two months ago for an explanation of the reasoning behind the agency's move to redefine broadband as a telecommunications service. "I find it wholly frustrating that Chairman Genachowski, after nearly two months, still has not responded to my questions," Rep Dingell said. "I have serious concerns about the FCC's proposed course of action. There is intense interest in the Congress about this, and I feel Chairman Genachowski's responses to my questions would be invaluable in informing the debate on the matter."

Update: Rep Dingell wants answers to his May 27 questions by close of business Monday, July 26.

Rep. Dingell to FCC Chair: hold off on re-regulation of broadband Genachowski Gets Dingellgram Deadline (B&C)