Sen Rockefeller Exits With Call for Bipartisanship

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Sen Jay Rockefeller (D-WV), retiring Chairman of the Senate Commerce Committee, took to the Senate floor to say farewell to the body he has served for 30 years.

Sen Rockefeller's message was aimed at calling his colleagues to the more bipartisan angels of their nature. He also praised the E-rate program, saying that was an example of when the government needed to step in, when private industry couldn't or wouldn't, to insure that the Internet got to schools and libraries. He also said that the government should not outsource its security to telecommunications companies, saying he had "seen what telecommunications companies can do when they can get away with it." That appeared to be a reference to Congress' inability to pass legislation on data collection or cybersecurity.

Sen Rockefeller Exits With Call for Bipartisanship