Social Media Users' Age, Gender Impact Site Choices
Social's influence on consumers continues to increase, depending on the network. Males seem to flock to tech-oriented sites like Slashdot at 87%, followed by Hacker News at 77% and Stack Overflow at 76%. Females like Pinterest, 79%; Goodreads, 70%; and Blogger, 66%. Facebook and Twitter have the same gender user percentage, with 40% being male and 60% female. Pingdom used DoubleClick Ad Planner to mine demographic data in the United States and create the study across numerous social sites. The findings analyze data across Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Tumblr, Reddit, Hacker News, Slashdot, Github, Stack, Overflow, Orkut, Quora, WordPress, Blogger, Flickr, MySpace, Tagged, Hi5, LiveJournal, Yelp, deviantART, StumbleUpon, Googdreads, and Ironically, Pingdom omitted Google+ information from the study for lack of data accessible in the Google DoubleClick platform.
Social Media Users' Age, Gender Impact Site Choices