TWC Research Report: Enormous Need For Wi-Fi Spectrum

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A report, "Solving the “Spectrum Crunch: Unlicensed Spectrum on a High-Fiber Diet," compiled by the New America Foundation's Michael Calabrese and published by Time Warner Cable's Research Program on Digital Communications says that to meet the need for mobile device connectivity -- specifically Wi-Fi -- an "enormous" increase in licensed and unlicensed spectrum is required.

The National Cable & Telecommunications Association, of which TWC is a member, has been pushing the Federal Communications Commission to open up plenty of unlicensed wireless when it reclaims spectrum from broadcasters in the incentive auction, as well as to free up more in the 5 GHz band already used by cable operators for hundreds of thousands of Wi-Fi hot spots.

The report makes three recommendations:

  1. The FCC's incentive spectrum auction should free up at least 30-40 MHZ of spectrum for unlicensed use in every market, including using channel 37 and the two channels that have been reserved for wireless microphones.
  2. The government needs to open underutilized government spectrum for unlicensed use.
  3. The FCC needs to move quickly on its proposal to expand use of the 5 GHz band and loosen some restrictions on its use, subject to interference protections.

TWC Research Report: Enormous Need For Wi-Fi Spectrum