Broadband of the People, by the People, and for the People

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In late March 2022, Tribal leaders from throughout California met in Temecula (CA) to discuss how to establish and maintain their own broadband networks with the ultimate goal of connecting their communities to the internet. Through a grant from the Michelson 20MM Foundation, and in partnership with other funders, the Institute For Local Self-Reliance (ILSR) hosted the second installment of a series of convenings aimed at providing Tribal leaders with the knowledge and tools they need to provide their communities with access to broadband. As a result, the Tribal nations will be able to participate in the health, economic, educational, workforce, and civic engagement opportunities that a broadband connection affords. The Tribal Broadband Bootcamp is incredibly important because it supports Tribal leaders as they take matters into their own hands to help their residents. For four days, Tribal leaders learn how to crimp wire, test cables, plan out a small network, mount gear, troubleshoot problems, conduct range testing, and confirm coverage. Leaders learn how the internet works, the history of broadband in Indian Country, and how to access current federal funding opportunities to support their efforts. Equally important, participants build a community—a human network through which knowledge, wisdom, and support will flow so that their dependence on private industry decreases or, better yet, is entirely eliminated.

Broadband of the People, by the People, and for the People