Vermont's Community-Based Broadband Solutions Get a Boost from American Rescue Plan

The Vermont Community Broadband Board (VCBB) was established by Act 71 (2021), legislation relating to accelerated community broadband deployment, to coordinate, facilitate, support, and accelerate the development and implementation of universal community broadband solutions. The board develops policies and programs to accelerate community efforts that advance the state’s goal of achieving universal access to reliable, high-quality, affordable, fixed broadband achieving speeds of at least 100 Mbps symmetrical. On October 26, the U.S. Department of the Treasury announced the approval of over $90 million for broadband projects in the state of Vermont under the American Rescue Plan’s (ARPA) Capital Projects Fund (CPF). Vermont will use its funding to connect nearly 14,000 homes and businesses to affordable, high-speed internet. Vermont estimates the funds will connect 13,818 households and businesses—representing 22% of locations still lacking high-speed internet access. Vermont's broadband strategy focuses on funding the efforts of Communications Union Districts (CUDs), organizations of two or more towns that join together as municipal entities to build communication infrastructure together. Vermont’s award will fund the Vermont Community Broadband Construction Grant Program, a formula grant program that provides funding to communities for the construction of locally defined and prioritized broadband infrastructure projects through CUDs. The $90 million represents 80% of the state’s total allocation under the Capital Projects Fund program. Vermont submitted plans for the remaining 20% of funds and those plans are currently under review by Treasury.

Vermont's Community-Based Broadband Solutions Get a Boost from American Rescue Plan