Federal Communications Commission

FCC and NTIA Announce Joint 3.45 GHz Coordination Details

In March 2021, the Federal Communications Commission announced a planned auction of new flexible-use licenses in the 3.45-3.55 GHz band (Auction 110). Auction 110 will offer 4,060 new licenses throughout the contiguous US, subject to cooperative sharing requirements in certain, defined areas where and when federal incumbents require continued access to the band. The FCC, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), and the Department of Defense (DoD) are working collaboratively towards these goals.

FCC Announces Census Blocks in Which Eligible Lifeline Consumers Can Continue To Receive Discounted Voice-Only Lifeline Services

The Federal Communications Commission announces those Census blocks where Lifeline support for voice-only service will continue at $5.25 per month from Dec 1, 2021 through Nov 30, 2022. These Census blocks can be found on the Universal Service Administrative Company’s (USAC) website.

FCC Grants Limited Waiver on Emergency Broadband Benefit Device Rule

The Federal Communications Commission's Wireline Competition Bureau addressed the petitions of Cox Communications and the National Lifeline Association (NaLA)  seeking an expedited grant of a limited waiver of the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program (EBB Program) reimbursement rules as they apply to the connected device discount.

June Open Meeting Agenda

Here's what the Federal Communications Commission will consider at its June 2021 open meeting.

Comcast Seeks E-Rate Waiver Regarding its Lift Zone Initiative

The Federal Communications Commission's Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on a petition for waiver filed by Comcast requesting that the FCC waive certain E-Rate rules to allow it to conduct a pilot program with several libraries to expand its “Lift Zone” initiative. Comcast states that its Lift Zone initiative is designed to address the Homework Gap and the digital divide by setting up safe places where students and members of the community may use Internet services to participate in remote learning and complete homework assignments. Comcast proposes to partner with seven selected l

FCC Relieves Certain Affiliates from Mixed-Support Merger Condition

The Federal Communications Commission adopted an Order on Reconsideration relieving certain “mixed support” merging companies from a merger condition cap intended to prevent improper cost shifting post-transaction between affiliates that receive both model-based and cost-based universal service support.