
Electromagnetic frequencies used for wireless communications


National Telecommunications and Information Administration

Department of Commerce

Fri, 12/09/2022 - 10:00 to 12:00

The meeting will include updates on the progress CSMAC subcommittees are making in addressing topics they are addressing, specifically 6G wireless systems, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) improvements, and UltraWideband communications.

NTIA will post a detailed agenda on its website, http://www.ntia.gov/category/csmac, prior to the meeting.

To the extent that the meeting time and agenda permit, any member of the public may address the Committee regarding the agenda items.

House lawmakers warn FCC that spectrum sharing in the 1675-1680 MHz band may inhibit climate data collection

In a November 21 letter signed by Commerce Secretary Raimondo and Office of Science and Technology Policy Director Arati Prabhakar, Reps Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX) and Frank Lucas (R-OK) warn the Federal Communications Commission about disruptions to climate data collection in the 1675-1680 MHz band due to spectrum use by wireless providers. "We write to urge you and the Commission to stop consideration of the proposal for sharing the 1675-1680 MHz band for commercial wireless carriers operating in the downlink mode," the lawmakers wrote.

Public Knowledge tells FCC C-band restrictions threaten 5G access for homes near airports

Public Knowledge wrote to the Federal Communications Commission urging them to reconsider calls by the aviation community for rule changes related to C-band deployments. The November 22 letter states that as a consequence of systemic discrimination and historic patterns of red-lining, many of the neighborhoods closest to airports (and therefore within the “buffer zones” around the airports subject to potential mitigation measures) are low-income and/or majority non-white communities.

Enterprise to the Edge: Agency Guide to 5G

Federal agencies are on the road to 5G adoption, realizing the benefits and addressing the challenges. 5G networks will enable the connection of billions of new devices, sensors, and systems that will intelligently connect to the network and each other based on their time sensitivity and computational needs. How are federal agencies progressing with 5G adoption?

Comcast, Charter steer push for CBRS framework in lower 3 GHz

When it comes to mid-band spectrum in the US, it looks as though it’s no longer a matter of spectrum stakeholders rolling up their sleeves for a national spectrum plan.

Wireless internet service providers eye 6 GHz band for fixed wireless access

Richard Bernhardt, of the Wireless Internet Service Providers Association (WISPA), said he’s pleased with the Federal Communication Commission’s Office of Engineering and Technology (OET) recent, conditional approval of 13 proposed automated frequency coordination (AFC) database systems to develop operations for the 6 GHz band. Once approved, the automated frequency coordination (AFC) systems will allow for much higher power and outdoor use of the 6 GHz band, meaning wireless internet service providers (WISPs) can use it as part of their fixed wireless access (FWA) offerings.

5G Mid-Band Spectrum: The Benefits of Full Power, Wide Channels, and Exclusive Licensing

Mid-band spectrum is the key to unlocking the benefits of 5G for American consumers, enterprises, and innovators. This spectrum constitutes a sweet spot, delivering a balance of coverage and deep capacity essential to 5G services. Certain technical aspects of this spectrum are essential for mobile operators to leverage these bands to unleash the full power of 5G and to ensure dependable, high-performance service. These include exclusive licensing, wide spectrum bands of hundreds of megahertz, and full-power radio base stations.

T-Mobile's Neville Ray Says Booming Fixed Wireless Biz Is Built on Extra Network Capacity

T-Mobile has the fastest-growing home internet solution in America right now, with its 5G fixed wireless service taking on 578,000 customers in the third quarter alone and quickly amassing a base of over 2.1 million users in just over a year. According to T-Mobile CEO Neville Ray, the entire enterprise is based on "fallow capacity"—network wherewithal that's not already being tapped by the wireless company's mobile users. “The incremental cost of serving those customers is de minimis," said Ray. "And why would you sit on your hands on all of that capacity that you have no utilization for or

AT&T: Fiber offers 'meaningful uplift' in wireless penetration

As AT&T continues ramping up its fiber business – reaching 18.5 million passings in Q3 – it aims to leverage its fiber strategy to grow wireless customers, according to CFO Pascal Desroches. “In 5-10 years from now I just don’t see consumers accepting anything other than fiber,” Desroches said. “Also I think the power 5G will bring will make wireless relationships even more valuable. And we are able to provide both with our owner’s economics.” When AT&T offers both fiber and 5G, it sees a “meaningful uplift” in its wireless penetration, Desroches added.

FCC Grants 900 MHz Broadband Segment Applications

The Federal Communications Commission's Wireless Telecommunications Bureau granted nine 900 MHz broadband segment license applications to PDV Spectrum Holding Company in Missouri and Kansas. On May 13, 2020, the Commission realigned the 900 MHz band to make available six megahertz of low-band spectrum for the development of critical wireless broadband technologies and services, while reserving the remaining four megahertz of spectrum for continued narrowband operations.