
Electromagnetic frequencies used for wireless communications

CBRS:An Unproven Spectrum Sharing Framework

In 2012 the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) was asked to write a report on how it envisioned the allocation of wireless spectrum in the future. Taking the position that clearing spectrum for unencumbered use was too difficult in some cases, the report called for sharing spectrum between incumbent federal, state and local users and commercial users. Licenses should be small, reused, and relicensed and would thereby increase the capacity by a factor of 1,000.

How the FCC Shields Cellphone Companies From Safety Concerns

The Federal Communications Commission, which has responsibility for protecting Americans from potential radiation hazards generated by wireless transmitters and cellphones, has repeatedly sided with the telecommunications industry in denying the possibility of virtually any human harm.

FCC Chairwoman Rosenworcel Proposes Space Bureau

Federal Communications Commission Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel is planning to reorganize the FCC to better support the needs of the growing satellite industry, promote long-term technical capacity at the agency, and navigate 21st global communications policy. Under this plan, Chairwoman Rosenworcel will work to reorganize the FCC’s International Bureau into a new Space Bureau and a standalone Office of International Affairs.

FCC Takes Next Step to Enable Faster, Better Wi-Fi

The Federal Communication Commission's Office of Engineering and Technology conditionally approved 13 proposed automated frequency coordination (AFC) database systems to finalize development for operations in the 6 GHz band and prepare for the testing phase. This automated frequency coordination (AFC) system manages spectrum access for 6 GHz band standard-power unlicensed devices. The FCC’s recent rule changes expanded unlicensed use in the 5.925-6.425 GHz and 6.525- 6.875 GHz portions of the 6 GHz band to allow standard-power devices under the control of an AFC.

FCC to Examine 12.7 GHz Band for Next-Gen Wireless

The Federal Communications Commission voted to launch a proceeding to explore repurposing up to 550 megahertz in the 12.7 to 13.25 GHz band (12.7 GHz band) for next-generation wireless services.

FCC Grants 900 MHz Broadband Segment Applications

The Federal Communications Commission's Wireless Telecommunications Bureau granted six 900 MHz broadband segment licenses to PDV Spectrum Holding Company, a wholly owned subsidiary of Anterix. Anterix is the largest holder of 900 MHz spectrum nationwide and has been courting utilities, which are interested in the spectrum for private LTE as they look to modernize and future-proof critical power grid infrastructure. The licenses are in Vernon County, St Clair, Barton, Jackson, and Jackson counties (MO) and Jackson County (KS).

Optical Services over Middle-Mile Networks

Many carriers and last-mile providers may be interested in purchasing out-of-the-box “lit” services from a middle-mile network, like a Virtual Private Network (VPN) or connectivity to cloud providers or the global Internet.

National Telecommunications and Information Administration to Seek Public Comment on Developing Spectrum Strategy

The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) will ask the public what spectrum should become available and for what purposes. The NTIA will develop a “spectrum strategy” designed to free up airwaves for a wide variety of uses. The NTIA will rely on multiple streams of public input, including a request for comment and public meetings to inform this strategy. When designing spectrum policy, the government balances the needs of the federal government – including the national security entities – with those of private industry and others.

GPS interference caused the FAA to reroute Texas air traffic. Experts stumped

The Federal Aviation Administration is investigating the cause of mysterious GPS interference that, over the past few days, has closed one runway at the Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport and prompted some aircraft in the region to be rerouted to areas where signals were working properly. The interference first came to light on October 17 when the FAA issued an advisory warning  flight personnel and air traffic controllers of GPS interference over a 40-mile swath of airspace near the Dallas-Fort Worth airport.

5G Coalition pushes 12 GHz

As the battle over the use of the 12.2 GHz to 12.7 GHz rages, the 5G for 12 GHz Coalition once again said that the Federal Communication Commission should change its rules and allow terrestrial 5G transmission in this frequency band. Current rules allow for downlink only use for satellite TV. The push for 12 GHz began in October 2020 with a letter to then-FCC Chairman Ajit Pai. Since that time, incumbents AT&T and SpaceX have opposed the shared spectrum use on grounds that terrestrial 5G would interfere with their services, disrupting transmissions to customers.