Universal Broadband

FCC Chairwoman Rosenworcel's Testimony Before the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee

I want to start by thanking the Subcommittee for its decision to provide full funding for the Federal Communications Commission in your Fiscal Year 2024 FSGG bill. The work of the FCC matters. I’d like to highlight some the Commission’s recent work, made possible by your support of our budget, under my leadership. First, the Commission’s Affordable Connectivity Program, the largest broadband affordability program in our nation’s history, now helps 21 million households pay for high-speed internet service.

Congress must reauthorize the Affordable Connectivity Program

A 2020 study found that 18% of people living on tribal lands did not have access to high-speed internet, which far surpasses the 4% of people who live in nontribal areas who lack access. Furthermore, the cost of a monthly internet plan continues to be a challenge for low-income communities nationwide, especially those on tribal lands. While major investments are being made to build the infrastructure needed to deliver broadband access, including on tribal lands, another barrier to everyone actually adopting high-speed internet at home is still prevalent, and that's affordability.

The Economics of Universal Service Fund Reform

Two broad proposals have been advanced to modernize the Universal Service Fund's contributions system: 1) expanding the contribution base to include revenues from broadband internet access service, and 2) broadening the USF contribution base to include entities including edge providers such as streaming video providers, digital advertising firms, and cloud services companies. The most economically efficient option for reform is to expand the contribution base to include broadband internet access service revenues.

Vital program keeps low-income families online

The COVID-19 pandemic underscored that access to reliable and affordable high-speed internet is no longer a luxury, and the need to connect all Washingtonians is urgent. Unfortunately, a critical service established to help low-income Americans get online, the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP), will disappear if Congress refuses to fund the program in 2023.

How Georgia is Getting Broadband to the Most Unserved of its Unserved Areas

Georgia has found a way to get bids for, and ultimately service to, its most unserved areas. Georgia’s Deputy State Chief Information Officer and Executive Director of the Georgia Broadband Program, Jessica Simmons, said the state's Capital Projects Fund (CPF) program, funded by the federal American Rescue Plan Act,  enabled its success.

Did Pandemic Aid Narrow the Digital Divide?

At the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic, 40% of California's Pre-K–12 households lacked “full digital access,” or reliable access to high-speed internet and a connected device, according to Census Bureau data. As part of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), the Emergency Connectivity Fund (ECF) committed about $6.8 billion for schools and libraries to narrow the digital divide. As of the third and final funding window (fo

Mind the Gap: Closing the Digital Divide through affordability, access, and adoption

Connected Nation collaborated with AT&T to explore attitudes toward home broadband service and the Affordable Connectivity Program. Researchers spoke with 1,758 households in five metropolitan areas about their home internet service, awareness of programs that could help make broadband more affordable, and reasons why some households still do not subscribe to high-speed internet. Of those, 453 respondents meet the income eligibility requirement to participate in the ACP; these households are identified as “low-income” in this study.  Among the key findings from this study:

Fixed Wireless Access Cellular Speeds

Fixed wireless access (FWA) speeds are fast for those close to a transmission tower but slower as the distance increases. According to speed tests from a Verizon tower in a suburban county, the closest locations are getting 300 Mbps, while customers just over a mile out are getting around 75 Mbps, and by the third-mile radius, speeds have dropped a lot closer to 25 Mbps download.


Communications and Technology Subcommittee

House Commerce Committee

Thu, 09/21/2023 - 09:00


Jonathan Spalter, President and CEO, USTelecom — The Broadband Association

Witness Testimony

Justin Forde, Vice President of Government Relations, MidCo

Witness Testimony

Texans to vote on statewide broadband funding in November

Texas could have nearly $5 billion directed toward expanding broadband availability statewide if voters approve a state constitutional amendment on the ballot in November. Texas will receive more than $3.3 billion in federal money—more than any other state—to help expand broadband access.