Wireless Internet

In Search of the Killer 5G App

AT&T and Comcast joined the 5G Open Innovation Lab, a venture that has been funding start-ups and others working in 5G research. Along with looking to improve 5G edge technology, a primary goal of the OAI Lab is to search for killer apps for 5G. The group hopes that adding the large carriers will help to continue to support the 118 start-ups that have already been funded by the organization which has raised over $1.5 billion. I always find talk of a killer app to be interesting since that was never the real goal of 5G.

For Rural Communities, Broadband Expansion Is No Single Thing

Without reliable, affordable internet, rural communities have limited economic opportunities and lack access to education, healthcare, and many other services. Broadband expansion is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, said Adrianne Furniss, director of the Benton Institute for Broadband and Society.

Commerce Secretary Raimondo Appoints Sean McDevitt to FirstNet Authority Board

Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo appointed Sean McDevitt, a partner with international management consulting firm Arthur D. Little (ADL), to serve on the Board of the First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet Authority). McDevitt has been a member of ADL’s telecommunications, internet, technology and private equity practice areas since 2017. He brings 30 years of private sector experience specializing in business development, business expansion, leadership, account management, and client project delivery for telecommunications and technology sectors.

300 Mbps internet service is now available for Affordable Connectivity Program participants at no cost

Google Fiber is now offering 300 Mbps for $30 a month to customers who are participating in the Federal Communication Commission's Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) program. With the $30 subsidy, this plan is available at no cost to Google's ACP customers.

Another campaign, another outrage over ‘free phones’

Former President Donald Trump questioned who was paying for the phones of illegal aliens, suggesting that the federal government is handing out high-quality cellphones to migrants as part of its purported efforts to flood the country with immigrants. This is the latest iteration of the political right’s frustration with the idea that the government (and, particularly, an incumbent Democratic president) is spending money on frivolous giveaways (in their estimation) to poor people of color. The government does have a program in which people seeking asylum are given mobile devices.

Overwhelming Support For Public Solutions That Create Affordable And Reliable Internet Access In LA County

The results from a recent survey of 1,205 Los Angeles County likely voters demonstrate public demand for public solutions that ensure affordable, reliable, and fast internet service is available for everyone. The survey found that internet access is considered a necessity for functioning and participating in society, and there is strong support for government involvement in ensuring these needs are met.

Internet for the People: The Movement for Affordable, Community-Led Broadband

New York City (NYC) Mesh is not an internet service provider, but a grassroots, volunteer-run community network that aims to create an affordable, open and reliable network that's accessible to all New Yorkers for both daily and emergency internet use. To a layperson, the wireless mesh network—which relies on building-to-building line-of-sight connections—resembles the NYC subway: a circuitry of stations and routes where building nodes are the stations connecting to street level, and neighborhood hubs act as the tran

Principles of Spectrum Sharing: Understanding the Value of Shared Spectrum

As new spectrum based services come online, the demand for spectrum has increased significantly. At the same time, greenfield spectrum to meet these needs is becoming more scarce, and clearing government and other incumbent users from currently-allocated spectrum has become more challenging.

NTIA, Department of Defense Announce Final Winners of the 2023 5G Challenge

The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), in collaboration with the Department of Defense (DoD), announced the final winners of the 2023 5G Challenge and its $7,000,000 total prize purse. NTIA has awarded $3,000,000, the largest of the 2023 5G Challenge total prize purse, to the Stage Four: Mobility winning contestant team, Lions-NewEdge-Mavenir-Radisys.

FCC seeks comment on mobile spectrum holdings policies

AT&T filed a petition for rulemaking asking that the Federal Communications Commission establish a mid-band spectrum screen. As a broader development relating to competition policy, AT&T points to the July 2021 issuance by President Biden of an Executive Order that encouraged the FCC to consider actions to promote competition, including specifically to avoid excessive concentration of spectrum license holdings in the United States.