March 2006

Free Internet access in S.F. not the best deal for consumers

[SOURCE: San Jose Mercury News, AUTHOR: Gregory L. Rosston, Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research]

Kids Recall Ads Over Shows

A public affairs program that airs daily in more than 350,000 U.S. schools apparently is not reaching its intended audience. According to a study in the new issue of Pediatrics magazine, the Channel One program airs 10 minutes of news and public affairs and two minutes of commercials or public service announcements daily. Students surveyed by the publication had a stronger recall of the ads than the programming itself, researchers found.

NAB Agenda

[SOURCE: TVWeek, AUTHOR: Doug Halonen]
National Association of Broadcasters President and CEO David Rehr said Friday that one of his top goals as the association's new chief will be to promote station efforts to get retransmission consent compensation from cable. The NAB chief also said he plans to refocus the association's lobbying from defense to offense. "In other words, instead of reacting, broadcasters are going to be proactive," he said. "We're going to take the fight to those that want to undermine our business."

Former FCC Member Abernathy To Join Law Firm

[SOURCE: Wall Street Journal, AUTHOR: Ashby Jones]

Religious broadcasters fear a la carte cable

[SOURCE: Associated Press]
While cable television customers may applaud the notion of paying for only those channels they want, religious broadcasters say it will diminish their reach. Pay-per-channel pricing "would have a devastating effect on the inspirational programming we currently provide" and "decimate both the audience and financial support for religious broadcasting," according to the Faith and Family Broadcasting Coalition.

Benton's Communications-related Headlines For Monday March 13, 2006

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Aggregator, paste=20 into your read=
For upcoming media policy events, see

FCC Open Meeting Agenda
[SOURCE: Federal Communications Commission]
The Federal Communications Commission will hold=20
an Open Meeting on Friday, March 17, 2006 at 9:30=20
a.m. in Room TW-C305, at 445 12th Street, S.W.,=20
Washington, D.C. There are three items on the=20
agenda: 1) new children's educational television=20
rules, 2) public safety communications needs in=20
the 700 MHz band, and 3) creating a Public Safety=20
and Homeland Security Bureau at the Commission.=20
If you'd like to watch at home or from your=20
office, coverage of the meeting will be broadcast=20
live with open captioning over the Internet from=20
the FCC's Audio/Video Events web page at
* FCC Takes Up Kids Compromise
[SOURCE: Broadcasting&Cable, AUTHOR: John Eggerton]
The FCC is expected to approve a compromise=20
between kids' TV advocates and the broadcast=20
industry on new rules on educational programming for children.
(free access for Benton's Headlines subscribers)
* FCC Pokes Stations Over Pokemon
[SOURCE: Broadcasting&Cable, AUTHOR: John Eggerton]
The FCC continues to work through its backlog of=20
license renewals, stopping along the way to=20
admonish stations for kids TV rule violations,=20
particularly program-length commercials.
(free access for Benton's Headlines subscribers)

Newspaper Chain Agrees to a Sale for $4.5 Billion
AT&T to raise its rates
Let AT&T, BellSouth merge
The Eden Illusion
Those Bell Mergers Are Giving Cable Companies Even More to Worry About
Hungry Media Companies Find a Meager Menu of Web Sites to Buy
Rival calls for split-up of NTT DoCoMo

Study Finds More News Media Outlets, Covering Less News
Newspapers Had a Difficult Year in 2005
Memo to the News Networks

Virginia Fast-Tracks Video Franchising
'Las Vegas' Blasted at FCC
In the Family Way=09
What Children Teach Their Parents
Kids-TV 'Upfront' Season Kicks Off Under Cloud

Will the House Regulate the Internet? Commerce
Committee Considers Net Neutrality
Free Internet access in S.F. not the best deal for consumers

QUICKLY -- Kids Recall Ads Over Shows; NAB=20
Agenda; Former FCC Member Abernathy To Join Law=20
Firm; Religious broadcasters fear a la carte=20
cable; Telecom Legislation and Civil Rights; How=20
the BBC is building a global online brand; Confronting Digital Age Head-On


[SOURCE: New York Times, AUTHOR: Katharine Seelye & Andrew Ross Sorkin]
Knight Ridder, the second-largest newspaper=20
company in the United States, agreed last night=20
to sell itself for about $4.5 billion in cash and=20
stock to the McClatchy Company, a publisher half=20
its size, according to people involved in the=20
negotiations. Under the terms of the deal,=20
McClatchy agreed to pay about $67 a share in cash=20
and stock for Knight Ridder. About 60 percent of=20
the payment will be in cash, while the rest will=20
be in McClatchy shares. Because Knight Ridder is=20
so much larger than McClatchy, the merger is=20
likely to create some upheaval for both=20
companies. McClatchy could sell or close some of=20
the Knight Ridder papers and could take further=20
cost-control measures in its own newsrooms to=20
help finance the deal. It was uncertain when the=20
deal would be completed. Knight Ridder has almost=20
three times as many dailies as the 12 owned by=20
McClatchy. Knight Ridder's $3 billion in revenue=20
for 2005 was more than twice McClatchy's $1.2=20
billion. While the Knight Ridder papers are=20
profitable, some are more troubled than others=20
and may be a drag on McClatchy's bottom line.=20
Analysts speculate that the company could shut=20
down The Philadelphia Daily News and possibly=20
sell The Inquirer, since the business climate in=20
Philadelphia is sluggish and the papers face=20
tough competition from a ring of suburban=20
dailies. On the other hand, they say, The=20
Inquirer generates a lot of cash, something=20
McClatchy will need as it goes into debt to pay for Knight Ridder.
(requires registration)
* Knight Ridder Nears Sale to McClatchy For $4.5 Billion in Cash, Stock

[SOURCE: Broadcasting&Cable, AUTHOR: John M. Higgins]
Just three days after cutting a $67 billion deal=20
to buy BellSouth last week, AT&T Chairman Ed=20
Whitacre got a precious gift from Washington. Key=20
Congressional leaders agreed to allow the giant=20
phone companies a national franchise license,=20
essentially allowing AT&T and other telcos a=20
painless entry into the cable industry=92s core=20
business of video services. Cable operators=20
howled. =93This is a huge step backwards,=94 wailed=20
Kyle McSlarrow, head of the National Cable=20
Telecommunication Association. If the proposed=20
bill passes, he said, the government would be=20
=93giving the Bell monopolies a special break and a=20
deregulatory advantage over their competitors.=94=20
The two events helped frame the escalating war=20
between cable and telephone companies. As cable=92s=20
largest operators move to lure phone customers=20
away from the likes of AT&T and Verizon, they are=20
doing battle with formidable giants that are only=20
getting larger. And, as their latest gains in=20
Congress indicate, the telcos=92 agility in the=20
political arena may be pivotal in the multi-front=20
fight ahead. Whitacre is creating a Goliath like=20
no other before it. If the BellSouth deal is=20
approved, AT&T will become the world=92s largest=20
telecom company and the nation=92s seventh-largest=20
company of any kind. AT&T=92s $120 billion in=20
revenue will not be just six times more than=20
Comcast, the largest cable operator=92s, but will=20
exceed the revenue of the entire cable industry.
(free access for Benton's Headlines subscribers)

[SOURCE: Dallas Morning News, AUTHOR: Terry Maxon]
AT&T said Friday it plans to raise Texas rates=20
for local telephone service about 4 percent on=20
May 2, affecting 30 percent of its customers=20
statewide. Consumer advocate Ed Mierzwinski of=20
the Texas Public Interest Research Group said=20
customers can expect more rate hikes as the phone=20
industry consolidates. AT&T has already swallowed=20
up regional competitors Ameritech Corp. and=20
Pacific Telesis Group and its former parent, AT&T=20
Corp., and has proposed acquiring another=20
regional Bell company, BellSouth Corp. "The=20
bigger the phone companies get as they put Ma=20
Bell back together again, the more aggressive=20
they will be in gouging the consumer," he said.=20
"I am not surprised at this, and we can only=20
expect more of the same in the future and around=20
the country," he said. AT&T is using the=20
authority granted it by the Texas Legislature=20
last year to raise its rates in areas considered=20
to be sufficiently competitive. That sweeping=20
law, which also allowed telephone companies to=20
get a state franchise to enter local video=20
markets, deregulated "incumbent local exchange=20
companies" like AT&T, formerly known as SBC=20
Communications. Those local telephone companies=20
as of Jan. 1 were free to set their own rates in=20
markets of 100,000 people or more. Areas with=20
less than 30,000 will stay regulated until Jan.=20
1, 2007. Also, the Public Utility Commission can=20
deregulate markets with 30,000 to 100,000 people=20
if those markets have at least three competitors,=20
including at least one competitor providing local=20
exchange telephone service, one providing=20
telephone service over its own facilities such as=20
a cable company and a competitor offering wireless phone service.

[SOURCE: Boston Herald, AUTHOR: Editorial Staff]
[Commentary] The AT&T-BellSouth merger should=20
receive hands-off treatment from Congress, the=20
Justice Department and the Federal Communications=20
Commission. Already some consumer activists are=20
pushing the argument that the merger ought to be=20
conditioned on =93Internet neutrality,=94 another=20
outbreak of the activist virus that has hurt=20
telecommunications before. But it just makes=20
economic sense to charge according to demand and=20
performance. At Disney World, you can pay extra=20
to go to the head of the line. Some fancy=20
restaurants charge more at dinner than at lunch.=20
Resort hotels charge more in peak season.=20
Gasoline costs more at 93 octane than at 87. The=20
Internet poses similar issues. The network=20
companies are competing furiously and committing=20
huge sums to ever-faster data channels. There has=20
been no letup in the stream of innovations. The=20
phone companies are pushing to offer television;=20
the cable companies are offering phone service.=20
All of them should be free to enter markets and=20
charge as they see fit - the networks may find=20
that nobody is willing to pay a premium for truly=20
blinding speed after all. A combined AT&T-Bell=20
South would unite four of the seven =93Baby Bells=94=20
that emerged from the breakup of the Bell System=20
in 1984, but no one should fear a reassembly of=20
Ma Bell=92s near-monopoly. The Internet and the=20
World Wide Web, cellphones, music downloads,=20
satellite and wireless Web services, all of which=20
did not exist in 1984, have utterly reshaped competition.

[SOURCE: Washington Post, AUTHOR: Editorial Staff]
[Commentary] To the extent that the proposed=20
AT&T-BellSouth merger will generate regulatory=20
questions, these hinge on an issue that didn't=20
exist 22 years ago. That issue is "net=20
neutrality," the principle that cable and phone=20
companies, which own the plumbing that connects=20
you to the Internet, should make all Web sites=20
equally accessible. It would be a mistake to=20
force AT&T to promise net neutrality as a=20
condition of its merger. Equally, legislative=20
proposals to enforce net neutrality, including=20
one introduced this month by Sen. Ron Wyden=20
(D-OR), should remain just that: proposals. The=20
proponents of net neutrality exaggerate the=20
purity of cyberspace and understate the costs of=20
regulation. If cable and phone companies are not=20
allowed to charge Internet firms for fast=20
delivery, they will be deprived of one source of=20
profits. This will make it harder to raise=20
capital to build the next generation of superfast=20
Internet pipes, capable of delivering=20
high-quality video. Moreover, any definition of=20
net neutrality is likely to be contested in the=20
courts, and legal uncertainty will further deter=20
investment. As a result, net neutrality could end=20
up meaning that all Web services get delivered at=20
a similar but relatively slow rate. If the cable=20
and phone companies start blocking out chunks of=20
the Web's content, there will be opportunities=20
for Congress to weigh in. But it's hard to see=20
how these firms can expect to win extra subscribers by doing that.
(requires registration)
* Ma Bell's back for better or worse
[Commentary] Over the past decade, policy-makers=20
have loosened telecom regulations in hopes of=20
innovation and competition. The result is a=20
radically altered landscape of choices and=20
technologies. But the cable and phone mergers are=20
putting the picture into a new focus. It's time=20
to watch carefully to see that customers are fairly served.
* Idea of Web express lane sparks hot debate

[SOURCE: New York Times, AUTHOR: Ken Belson & Geraldine Fabrikant]
In the chess game between the cable companies and=20
their nemeses, the Bell phone companies, the=20
Bells may be gaining ground. Phone mergers =97=20
including AT&T's recent proposal to take over=20
BellSouth =97 could give the Bells more power to=20
cut prices, move faster into television and=20
expand their advantage in the wireless market.=20
The AT&T-BellSouth deal, which is likely to take=20
at least a year to be approved, will=20
significantly alter the competitive landscape for=20
the fragmented cable industry, if not immediately=20
then certainly over the next few years as the=20
Bells offer more =97 and cheaper =97 video and=20
Internet services. Sheer size also helps the=20
Bells throw their weight around in Washington.=20
Last week, lawmakers began drafting a bill to=20
make it easier for the Bell companies to acquire=20
local television franchises, a move that would=20
help speed up their push to sell TV programming=20
over high-speed lines around the country. If=20
Congress approves the proposed national franchise=20
legislation, AT&T and Verizon could offer those=20
services in hundreds of cities years ahead of=20
schedule. By 2010, the Bells are expected to add=20
six million video customers for a 5 percent share=20
of the pay-television market, according to Kagan=20
Research. While that is just one-tenth the number=20
of cable subscribers, the Bells' additions will=20
come at cable's expense, Kagan estimates showed.
(requires registration)

[SOURCE: New York Times, AUTHOR: Matt Richtel]
Digital-era media companies like Yahoo and=20
Google, as well as traditional media companies,=20
including those with deep roots in television and=20
print, continue to scour the Internet for=20
emerging content and technology companies. But=20
the pickings of obvious acquisition candidates,=20
while hardly exhausted, are slimming, according=20
to financiers, entrepreneurs and industry=20
analysts who follow the sector. That leaves the=20
media companies trying to figure out -- as they=20
did with far less discipline during the dot-com=20
boom -- which of the emerging generation of Web=20
sites have lasting business models or, at least,=20
can continue to build traffic.
(requires registration)

[SOURCE: Financial Times, AUTHOR: Michiyo Nakamoto]
NTT DoCoMo, Japan=92s dominant mobile phone=20
operator, should be broken up to promote greater=20
competition, Sachio Senmoto, chief executive of=20
rival eMobile, said. His comments come as Japan=92s=20
mobile phone market faces greater competition and=20
as Heizo Takenaka, interior minister, has started=20
reviewing the state of the telecoms and media=20
sectors with a view to stimulating growth. Mr=20
Takenaka=92s roundtable of experts is discussing,=20
among other issues, the future structure of NTT,=20
including the possibility of amending the NTT=20
law, by which the telecoms group was broken up=20
into two regional operators, a long-distance and=20
international operator and a mobile phone=20
operator company under a holding company. NTT=20
wants to promote greater cooperation and=20
coordination among group companies and is=20
believed to be lobbying for a change to the law=20
to allow it to re-absorb DoCoMo, which earned 65=20
per cent of the group=92s operating profits last year.
(requires subscription)


[SOURCE: New York Times, AUTHOR: Katharine Seelye]
The third annual review of the state of American=20
journalism found that while there were more media=20
outlets this year than ever, they were covering=20
less news. The review was conducted by the=20
Project for Excellence in Journalism, an=20
institute affiliated with the Columbia University=20
Graduate School of Journalism and financed by the=20
Pew Charitable Trusts. As part of the review, a=20
special study looked at how a variety of outlets,=20
including newspapers, television, radio and the=20
Internet, covered a single day's worth of news=20
and concluded that there was enormous repetition=20
and amplification of just two dozen stories.=20
Moreover, it said, "the incremental and even=20
ephemeral nature of what the media define as news=20
is striking." Cable news was the "shallowest" and=20
most "ephemeral" of the media, the study said.=20
Newspapers, which are the biggest news-gathering=20
organizations, covered the most topics, provided=20
the most extensive sourcing and provided the most=20
angles on particular events, it said, "though=20
perhaps in language and sourcing tilted toward=20
elites." Many of the national broadcast reports=20
quoted the same few people. "More coverage, in=20
other words, does not always mean greater=20
diversity of voices," the study said. "Consuming=20
the news continuously does not mean being better=20
informed." Tom Rosenstiel, director of the=20
project, said that reporters seemed to be=20
increasingly shunted off to an isolated area=20
while covering events, as they were during the=20
recent mining disaster in West Virginia, giving=20
them little first-hand access. "The irony is that=20
having more reporters doesn't mean more=20
coverage," he said. "It means more reporters=20
crowded into one corner of the scene."
(requires registration)
See The State of the Media 2006:
* The Big News: Shrinking Reportage
(requires registration)
* More News Outlets, Fewer Stories: New Media 'Paradox',1,14...
(requires registration)

[SOURCE: Wall Street Journal, AUTHOR: Sarah Ellison sarah.ellison( at )]
The newspaper business had another difficult year=20
in 2005, in advertising, circulation and stock=20
performance. But for the first time, the industry=20
has been shocked into making more serious=20
investments online to capture new readers and=20
keep existing ones, according to the Project for=20
Excellence in Journalism. The question for=20
investors and news organizations is whether the=20
online initiatives will pay off. In its annual=20
"State of the Media" report, the nonprofit=20
journalism research group said online revenue,=20
while growing more quickly than print revenue,=20
remains only a fraction of total advertising=20
revenue at newspapers, and that print advertising=20
that moves online generates only about 20 cents=20
to 33 cents for each dollar lost in print. Last=20
year's increase in online investment wasn't=20
limited to newspapers. Television network news=20
divisions are also putting more investment behind=20
their online operations, the report says, and=20
like newspapers are focusing increasingly on=20
creating original content for online readers.=20
That's a change from last year's report, which=20
found that "creativity in new technology appeared=20
to be coming mostly from non-news organizations=20
like Google." The report also found that big-city=20
metro newspapers have been losing circulation at=20
faster rates than community papers. All three big=20
national newspapers -- the New York Times, USA=20
Today and The Wall Street Journal -- reported=20
fairly steady circulation over the past two years.
(requires subscription)

[SOURCE: Broadcasting&Cable, AUTHOR: Danny Schechter]
[Commentary] On March 15, the anti-war movement=20
will be making the media coverage of the war an=20
issue, with protests at media outlets that have=20
offered more selling than telling, more jingoism=20
than journalism. These groups are the same ones=20
that helped turn out 30 million people worldwide=20
Feb. 15, 2003, in the greatest one-day protest in=20
history to try to stop a war. You may not know=20
them because most protests are marginalized when=20
covered at all. Protesters charged the public was=20
being deceived. They were right. Perhaps it=92s=20
time for broadcast and cable networks to do what=20
The New York Times and The Washington Post have=20
done: acknowledge that you made a lot of=20
mistakes. What else can you do? Admit that=20
=93mili-tainment=94 passing for news is disgraceful.=20
Seek more-diverse sources. Challenge bogus=20
administration claims. Apologize for collusion=20
and complicity. Report casualties. The key to=20
credibility is truth. Flag-waving is not=20
journalism. Lastly, try asking yourselves: How=20
would a state-run media system cover the war differently?
(free access for Benton's Headlines subscribers)


[SOURCE: Broadcasting&Cable, AUTHOR: John Eggerton]
Virginia Governor Tim Kaine has signed a bill,=20
which becomes effective July 1, that eases the=20
way for Verizon and other new multichannel video=20
entrants to compete with cable operators in the=20
state. Under the new law, Virginia franchises=20
remain under the control of the municipalities.=20
The Richmond Times Dispatch reports that TV=20
service from new providers would have to be=20
available to 65 percent of a community's=20
residents in seven years. Local governments can=20
demand 80 percent penetration in 10 years.=20
Traditionally, cable companies had to serve=20
entire localities. "Competition doesn't matter=20
unless you get" a network built to all residents,=20
said Kenneth DeGraff, policy analyst at Consumers=20
Union. "Sixty-five percent is going to leave=20
large parts of the state uncovered and without=20
competition," he said. "It remains to be seen=20
whether telephone companies will actually deliver=20
meaningful competition to all Virginians." The=20
legislation comes as Verizon Communications=20
builds a network in parts of Virginia, including=20
the Richmond area, to provide video. Verizon has=20
franchise agreements with five Northern Virginia=20
communities. The company sought to change the law=20
to avoid needing to forge franchise agreements=20
with every city or county it planned to serve, a=20
process that can take six to 18 months. The=20
legislation still requires a would-be provider of=20
TV service to strike deals with every locality,=20
but the new structure will allow a licensed=20
company to serve customers in as little as 75=20
days. In areas where a wire-based cable=20
competitor operates, prices are 15 percent lower,=20
according to a report by the Government=20
Accountability Office, an independent and=20
nonpartisan congressional watchdog group.
(free access for Benton's Headlines subscribers)
* Cable TV rates in Va. could drop
[SOURCE: Richmond Times Dispatch, AUTHOR: Jeffery Kelly]

[SOURCE: Broadcasting&Cable, AUTHOR: John Eggerton and Ben Grossman]
A campaign by the American Family Association=20
against NBC's 'Las Vegas' is generating lots of=20
indecency complaints at the FCC. By the=20
Commission's count, about 134,300 complaints had=20
been filed about that program alone by the end of=20
February. In contrast, the FCC received 44,109=20
complaints against all shows for the three months=20
ended Dec. 31, which was up from the 26,185 filed=20
for the previous quarter.FCC Deputy Chief of the=20
Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau Jay=20
Keithley says the bureau could not determine=20
whether all the Vegas complaints were about the=20
AFA=92s target episode but =93sufficient review=94=20
confirmed that the majority concerned the Feb. 6=20
broadcast which included a scene in a strip club.=20
The FCC has not acted on any indecency complaints=20
since 2004 -- in part because it settled numerous=20
complaints through consent decrees, in part=20
because Hurricane Katrina and FCC commissioner=20
turnover helped delay release of a group of=20
complaints that FCC Chairman Kevin Martin wants=20
to issue all at once. The commissioners are=20
expected to release the actions, apparently a mix=20
of proposed fines and complaint denials. But=20
agency sources have been saying for months that their release was imminent.
(free access for Benton's Headlines subscribers)

[SOURCE: Broadcasting&Cable, AUTHOR: Kevin Downey]
The Family Friendly Programming Forum launched in=20
1998 with a fairly straightforward goal: to=20
persuade the broadcast networks to put on more=20
prime time programs that are suitable for=20
advertisers with brands geared to families. Eight=20
years later, and the FFPF is still at it but=20
without much notoriety, helping to fund pilot=20
scripts this season for ABC=92s Commander in Chief,=20
UPN=92s Everybody Hates Chris and The WB=92s Related,=20
in addition to the long- running Gilmore Girls.=20
The most recent addition is CBS=92 New Adventures=20
of Old Christine, premiering March 13. Even=20
without FFPF=92s influential hand, Kaki Hinton,=20
co-chairperson of the group and VP of advertising=20
services at Pfizer Consumer Healthcare, says the=20
prime time lineup on the broadcast networks has=20
become decidedly more family-friendly since the group was founded.
(free access for Benton's Headlines subscribers)

[SOURCE: Broadcasting&Cable, AUTHOR: Kevin Downey]
Networks targeting kids and teens have been=20
whacked in recent years by a slowdown in=20
advertising from core categories such as toys and=20
certain types of food. That=92s now prompting many=20
of those cable outlets to aggressively chase=20
after brands not typically associated with the=20
prepubescent crowd. Commercials for cars,=20
full-service restaurants and travel destinations=20
are popping up on Cartoon Network, Toon Disney=20
and other kids networks. Nickelodeon, for=20
example, signed Chevrolet to a=20
multimillion-dollar deal last spring. The network=20
has also lined up sponsors like automaker Kia=20
alongside more-traditional advertisers -- as=20
General Mills, Hasbro and Burger King -- its 19th=20
Annual Kids=92 Choice Awards April 1. Media buyers=20
expect to see more such adult-targeted=20
advertisers in this year=92s kids upfront, the=20
annual ad market soon to get under way. Merrill=20
Lynch analyst Jessica Reif Cohen last year=20
estimated that the kids upfront generates about=20
$970 million in ad revenue; other media buyers=20
say the actual amount is closer to $800 million.=20
The key for networks to attract previously=20
adult-only advertisers is twofold: the influence=20
kids have but also =93co-viewing,=94 a term the cable=20
industry uses to refer to children=92s watching TV=20
the old-fashioned way: with their parents.=20
Advertisers sell to both. Several recent research=20
reports have highlighted the influence of=20
children, including an upcoming study from Disney=20
ABC Kids Networks Group. In the study, conducted=20
by Strottman International with mothers and their=20
children age 6-14, Disney found that 92% of kids=20
are influential in purchases made at discount=20
stores, while more than 80% influence purchases=20
at specialty stores, malls, and grocery and drug=20
stores. Disney also found that 38% of mothers say=20
their children are influential in deciding on=20
vacations; 33% say the same about computers; 32%,=20
cellphones; 30%, large electronics; and 28% say=20
kids are influential in purchasing automobiles.=20
Nickelodeon has conducted similar studies and=20
found in 2004, for instance, that nearly 90% of=20
parents ask for their children=92s opinions when=20
purchasing products for the kids. But two-thirds=20
also ask for input on family purchases, and=20
one-third ask for their kids=92 opinions when buying products for themselve=
(free access for Benton's Headlines subscribers)

[SOURCE: Wall Street Journal, AUTHOR: Brian Steinberg & Joe Flint]
The children's television "upfront" market, when=20
advertisers negotiate the coming year's ad buys=20
with kids' TV channels, kicks off in coming days.=20
This year, with the market facing some difficult=20
issues, it promises to be a drawn-out=20
negotiation. One of the biggest clouds over the=20
kids' upfront is, not surprisingly, the impact of=20
new-media options competing for both kids'=20
attention and marketing dollars. The same issue=20
looms over the prime-time broadcast-TV upfront=20
that kicks off in the spring. But the kids'=20
market also has to contend with continuing=20
pressures on food marketers to cut back=20
advertising to children. Kids' TV outlets have=20
some advantages over new media. For one thing,=20
the channels still draw far more viewers than=20
most individual kids' Web sites. Another dynamic=20
likely to affect the market this year is=20
sensitivity among food marketers about=20
advertising to children, one media buyer familiar=20
with the children's marketplace says. Last year,=20
bowing to public-health pressure, Kraft promised=20
to stop advertising junk food to kids under 12.=20
Kraft has cut back gradually; this upfront market=20
will show the full effect of Kraft's decision for=20
the first time. In recent months, activist groups=20
have put even more pressure on other food marketers.
(requires subscription)


[SOURCE: Technology Liberation Front, AUTHOR: James Gattuso]
[Commentary] All eyes have been on the House=20
Commerce Committee the past few days, as reports=20
have floated about regarding a draft telecom=20
reform bill being hammered out by the members.=20
Committee chairman Joe Barton mooted two earlier=20
proposals last year, both of which attempted to=20
comprehensively reform telecom laws. Both --=20
especially the first -- were stillborn -- because=20
of complaints that they imposed new regulation,=20
rather than just free up this now-competitive=20
market. This time around, Barton has tried a more=20
targeted approach -- instead of all-inclusive=20
reform, the legislation would be focused on=20
eliminating local cable television franchise=20
regulations, which have been slowing the advent=20
of competition in cable TV. A smart move -- a=20
rifleshot reform, and one that that would=20
significantly help consumers. But a new version=20
of the legislation would turn Barton=92s original=20
deregulatory intent on its head. Rather than=20
eliminating obsolete and unneeded regulations of=20
telecommunications, the bill would introduce new=20
and equally unneeded regulations on the Internet.=20
Lawmaking may be like sausage-making, but such a=20
result would be particularly hard to digest.
* Network neutrality important
[SOURCE: London Free Press (Canada), AUTHOR: David Canton]
[Commentary] We should pay the ISP for the data=20
pipe coming into our homes as a service on its own, as we do now.

[SOURCE: San Jose Mercury News, AUTHOR: Gregory=20
L. Rosston, Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research]
[Commentary] Google and Earthlink's proposal to=20
provide free Internet access in San Francisco is=20
great for consumers -- but not for competition.=20
While Google has been a great company and helped=20
millions of people use the Internet more=20
efficiently, why does it have to be the only one=20
able to use city facilities? Furthermore, why=20
does Google need to go through the city to do=20
this? Instead of picking a single provider, San=20
Francisco and all other cities contemplating a=20
similar process should make their infrastructure=20
available to multiple firms who might provide=20
different types of Internet access -- some free,=20
others paid, some super-high-quality and others=20
suitable for e-mail and Web surfing at slower=20
speeds. Multiple firms can use and pay for use of=20
a city's infrastructure, and consumers could=20
benefit from the city making these services=20
available at cost. All of these firms would then=20
compete with one another as well as licensed=20
wireless services and wire-based solutions to get=20
customers. This way, consumers would pick the=20
service they want rather than having it dictated=20
by city hall. And the companies would be at risk=20
rather than the city. Finally, and perhaps most=20
important, in the future the companies would be=20
forced by the market to upgrade and change their=20
services as consumer preferences change rather=20
than having to go through a bureaucratic City=20
Hall process to change the system in a way that=20
might not meet citizen desires. Innovation will=20
be the key to future services, and cities are=20
unlikely to be the best judge of what innovative=20
services should be offered. Kudos to the mayor,=20
the city and Google for showing that Internet=20
access can be cheap. The entire South Bay should=20
adopt this pro-competition, pro-consumer attitude=20
in working with Joint Venture Silicon Valley on=20
their proposal for wireless access instead of=20
picking a single firm to ``win'' the project.=20
Cities need to get out of the way and simply=20
facilitate the potential competition for Internet=20
access so we can all say ``Yahoo'' to the new=20
services from Google and its competitors.


[SOURCE: MediaWeek,]
A public affairs program that airs daily in more=20
than 350,000 U.S. schools apparently is not=20
reaching its intended audience. According to a=20
study in the new issue of Pediatrics magazine,=20
the Channel One program airs 10 minutes of news=20
and public affairs and two minutes of commercials=20
or public service announcements daily. Students=20
surveyed by the publication had a stronger recall=20
of the ads than the programming itself, researchers found.

[SOURCE: TVWeek, AUTHOR: Doug Halonen]
National Association of Broadcasters President=20
and CEO David Rehr said Friday that one of his=20
top goals as the association's new chief will be=20
to promote station efforts to get retransmission=20
consent compensation from cable.
(requires free registration)

[SOURCE: Wall Street Journal, AUTHOR: Ashby Jones ashby.jones( at )]
Kathleen Quinn Abernathy, a former commissioner=20
at the Federal Communications Commission, is=20
joining Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP's=20
Washington, D.C., office as a partner in the law=20
firm's communications and information-technology=20
department. Ms. Abernathy, 49 years old, will=20
counsel the firm's media and telecommunication=20
clients on policy-related and regulatory issues.=20
She starts March 29. In December, Ms. Abernathy=20
left the FCC after her term as commissioner=20
expired. Ms. Abernathy initially anticipated=20
that, upon leaving the FCC, she would re-enter=20
the corporate world. (Before serving at the FCC,=20
Ms. Abernathy served as a vice president of=20
public policy at BroadBand Office Communications=20
Inc.) "But my meetings with Akin Gump convinced=20
me that a law firm offered a much more flexible=20
venue," she said, referring to her ability to=20
represent different clients in a variety of=20
different forums, both in the U.S. and=20
internationally. Ms. Abernathy said she chose=20
Akin Gump over other firms that courted her=20
because the firm had "tremendous lawyers on=20
board," many of whom were working on international issues.
(requires subscription)

[SOURCE: Associated Press]
While cable television customers may applaud the=20
notion of paying for only those channels they=20
want, religious broadcasters say it will diminish=20
their reach. Pay-per-channel pricing "would have=20
a devastating effect on the inspirational=20
programming we currently provide" and "decimate=20
both the audience and financial support for=20
religious broadcasting," according to the Faith=20
and Family Broadcasting Coalition.

[SOURCE: Media Policy Blog, AUTHOR: Colin Rhinesmith]
[Commentary] The recent shift from local to=20
national control of video franchising, influenced=20
by the Telephone Companies=92 desires to enter into=20
the video market, not only leaves a question mark=20
on the future of Public, Educational, and=20
Goverment Access TV, it also threatens to leave=20
low-income and minority communities behind, by law.

[SOURCE: Financial Times, AUTHOR: Andrew Edgecliffe-Johnson]
Europe's biggest dotcom, the BBC, is both an=20
entrepreneurial anomaly and an illustration of=20
the importance of branding on the Internet. It=20
has received considerable financial backing =96=20
from a government- mandated licence fee rather=20
than venture capitalists. But its growth stems=20
mostly from the reputation the BBC has earned=20
through its old-media activities in radio and=20
television. The emergence of the BBC as the UK=92s=20
strongest home-grown Internet brand was not just=20
encouraged but required. Two years ago the=20
British government declared: =93If it is to remain=20
a public service of universal relevance to all=20
citizens, the BBC will have to be fully involved=20
in leading the digital revolution.=94
(requires subscription)

[SOURCE: Washington Post, AUTHOR: Zachary A. Goldfarb]
For most of U.S. history, any government agency=20
that needed to print many copies of a document=20
went to the Government Printing Office. Now,=20
about half of government documents go straight=20
online, forcing the printing agency to find new=20
ways to make itself relevant in an increasingly=20
paperless world. But questions of security,=20
privacy and authenticity have confronted the GPO=20
leadership as it has sought to get up to date in=20
the digital age. "We are determined that we are=20
going to put every single [government] document=20
on the Web," said GPO chief Bruce R. James, the nation's public printer.
(requires registration)
Communications-related Headlines is a free online=20
news summary service provided by the Benton=20
Foundation ( Posted Monday=20
through Friday, this service provides updates on=20
important industry developments, policy issues,=20
and other related news events. While the=20
summaries are factually accurate, their often=20
informal tone does not always represent the tone=20
of the original articles. Headlines are compiled=20
by Kevin Taglang headlines( at ) -- we welcome your comments.

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The theme for the 2006 conference is . The Nonprofit Technology Conference will present the leading research, case studies, and real world experience from the sector to provide participants with the strategies and skills they need to do even better work. You'll meet colleagues, collaborators, and clients; learn from each other and from leaders in the field; and share information and resources.

March 22-24, 2006
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Seattle, WA

Today's Quote

McDowell, who comes to the commission from a post at telecom lobby Comptel (member companies include BellSouth for one), said that he had been in discussions with the White House and the FCC’s general counsel's office about possible conflicts and recusal procedures. McDowell said he would take the appropriate steps when necessary. But he also pointed out that commissioners had come straight from private sector companies without mass recusals and asked that his ability to judge impartially not be prejudged.

McDowell Sails Through Hearing For FCC Seat

[SOURCE: Broadcasting&Cable, AUTHOR: John Eggerton]

Panel Leaders OK National Franchise

[SOURCE: Multichannel News, AUTHOR: Ted Hearn]