The Federal Communications Commission has announced the re-chartering and re-appointment of members and Chairperson to its Consumer Advisory Committee, a federal advisory committee that addresses consumer issues within the jurisdiction of the Commission. The Commission established the Committee in November 2000 for the purpose of making recommendations regarding consumer issues within the jurisdiction of the Commission and to facilitate the participation of consumers (including people with disabilities and underserved populations, such as American Indians and persons living in rural areas) in proceedings before the Commission. The Committee was renewed for a 5th two-year term on November 17, 2008. The digital television transition will remain the principal focus of the Committee as the Commission continues its efforts to assist consumers in understanding and preparing for the transition. In addition, the CAC will focus on three areas:
1) Consumer protection and education (e.g., cramming, slamming, consumer friendly billing, detariffing, bundling of services, Lifeline/Linkup programs, customer service, privacy, telemarketing abuses, and outreach to underserved populations, such as Native Americans and persons living in rural areas).
2) Access by people with disabilities (e.g., telecommunications relay services, video description, closed captioning, accessible billing and access to telecommunications products and services).
3) Impact upon consumers of new and emerging technologies (e.g., availability of broadband, digital television, cable, satellite, low power FM, and the convergence of these and emerging technologies).
Debra Berlyn, representing the Digital Television Transition Coalition, continues her role as chairperson of the Committee.
CAC members:
AARP - Marti T. Doneghy
Alaska State Department of Law - Lew Craig
Alliance for Community Media - Gloria Tristani
American Council of the Blind - Eric Bridges
Appalachian Regional Commission - Harry L. Roesch
Benton Foundation - Charles Benton
Cablevision - Dodie Tschirch
Call For Action - Shirley Rooker
Communication Service for the Deaf - Karen Peltz Strauss
Communications Workers of America - Jeffrey Rechenbach
Consumer Action - Ken McEldowney
Consumer Electronics Association - Jamie Hedlund
Consumer Federation of America - Irene E. Leech
Consumers Union - Gene Kimmelman
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Consumer Advocacy Network - Claude Stout
Digital Television Transition Coalition -Debra Berlyn, Chairperson
Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians - Brandon Stephens
EchoStar Communications Corporation - Lori Kalani
Hawaii State Public Utilities Commission - John Cole
Hearing Loss Association of America - Lise Hamlin
League of United Latin American Citizens - Eduardo Pena, Jr.
National Alssociation of Broadcasters - John L. Sander
National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners - Nixyvette Santini
National Association of State Utility Consumer Advocates - Brenda Pennington
Northern VA Resource Center for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Persons -Cheryl Heppner
Parents Television Council - Dan Isett
Southern Growth Policies Board - Scott Doron
Verizon Communications, Inc. - Richard T. Ellis