"The FCC's potential as a force for good remains constant."
Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski addressed the agency's staff on Tuesday saying, "the FCC's potential as a force for good remains constant." He noted that our communications infrastructure is the foundation upon which our economy and our society rest. And it has never been more important that we unleash its potential. Our nation is at a crossroads. We face a number of tremendous challenges: our economy, education, health care, and energy, to name a few. "If we do our jobs right and harness the power of communications to confront these challenges, we will have chosen the right course, and we will make a real positive difference in the lives of our children and future generations."
He set the following goals: 1) Promoting universal broadband that's robust, affordable and open;
2) Pursuing policies that promote job creation, competition, innovation and investment;
3) Protecting and empowering consumers and families;
4) Helping deliver public safety communications networks with the best technology to serve our firefighters, police officers, and other first responders;
5) Advancing a vibrant media landscape, in these challenging times, that serves the public interest in the 21st century; and
6) Seizing the opportunity for the United States to lead the world in mobile communications.
He promised that the Commission will be fair, open and transparent. Policy decisions will be fact-based and data-driven.
"We will strive to be smart about technology; smart about economics and businesses; smart about law and history; and smart every day about how our actions affect the lives of consumers. We will use technology and new media to enhance the everyday worklives of FCC staff, green the agency, and improve overall operations of the FCC - running efficiently, communicating effectively, and opening the agency to participation from everyone affected by the FCC's actions. And, stay tuned, we will have a new FCC website."