Municipal Fiber to the Home Deployments: Next Generation Broadband as a Municipal Utility
What is the current state of municipal fiber to the home (FTTH) deployments? How are these systems faring, and what is their future? To find out more, the FTTH Council commissioned research firm RVA to survey municipal systems for the purpose of gathering firsthand status information from network operators. RVA found: 1) Municipal FTTH systems are continuing to proliferate where allowed. By definition, municipal FTTH. 2) More, and larger, municipal FTTH systems are under development for 2010. 3) The "success" of municipal FTTH systems is substantiated by high subscriber take rates. 4) The effect of municipal FTTH systems on local economic development is significant. 5) Municipal FTTH systems have a positive impact on overall FTTH and broadband use. 6) Municipal FTTH Systems are an important element of national FTTH deployment and should be encouraged.