In the App Economy, Newspapers Are Apps
[Commentary] If news media outlets want to thrive in this new environment, they need to start thinking of themselves as apps.
Being an app is the condition of not only allowing, but thriving, having your content live elsewhere. On the flip side, being the platform -- or the 'giant', if you will -- fuels that growth through attracting an audience. The app environment represents a revised means of consuming content. In a way, it's a Darwinistic solution to a problem that's bred out of too much noise. With the platform/app structure, consumers visit one place to get content from numerous sources. But while some content-based industries -- especially casual gaming -- have been able to thrive in this new environment via organic business models (e.g., in-game payments and social goods), others -- namely news organizations -- haven't yet. This may be partially due to the fact that newspapers don't really see themselves as apps yet. But for a media company to survive in this type of web economy, it's becoming increasingly clear that it needs to play the role of an app or a platform. And if you're a content provider, you typically fall in the second bucket, as platforms offer the stage to spread your product or word.