When libraries charge, you're not borrowing
[Commentary] It looks like the Cranberry Public Library, or the Cranberry Blockbuster Books 'n' Stuff, got the message. Officials there decided to begin charging $1 for DVD rentals. Yeah, once you start charging for it, that's not borrowing. What choice is there, though? State money is expected to be cut again in the coming year, when more people are in need of these facilities than ever. It might be a heartbreaker for those of us who could walk to the local library blindfolded, but it looks like the end is nigh. There are a couple of reasons for that. First, state government is backing away from libraries. Money is tied up in other projects. Such as? Outgoing Gov. Ed Rendell funneled money to a public policy center planned in honor of the late Johnstown Rep. Jack Murtha and, ironically, a library named for outgoing Sen. Arlen Specter. Those projects cost $10 million each.