January 2011

EU sets standards for common phone charger

The European standardization bodies CEN-CENELEC and ETSI have made available the harmonized standards needed for the manufacture of data-enabled mobile phones compatible with a new common charger.

The move comes after the European Commission issued a mandate to the two organizations in December 2009, requesting the development of European standards for the common charger. The standards allow for interoperability, i.e. the common charger is compatible with data-enabled mobile telephones of different brands. They also take account of safety risks and electro-magnetic emissions and ensure that common chargers have sufficient immunity to external interference. The EC expects the first common chargers and mobile phones compatible with the new standards to reach the European market in the first months of 2011.

FCC Open Meeting

Tuesday, December 13
10:45 am

The FCC will consider:

  1. a Report and Order that protects consumers by implementing the Commercial Advertisement Loudness Mitigation (CALM) Act to prevent digital television commercial advertisements from being transmitted at louder volumes than the program material they accompany. (MB Docket No. 11-93)

The following item has been deleted from the agenda; this item has been adopted by the FCC:

  • the Third Report to the U.S. Congress on the status of competition in domestic and international satellite communications services as required by Section 703 of the Communications Satellite Act of 1962, as amended. The Report covers calendar years 2008, 2009 and 2010. (IB Docket No. 10-99)

  • FCC Open Meeting

    Wednesday, November 30
    10:30 am


    • Additional Spectrum for Medical Radiocommunication Devices: The Commission will consider a Report and Order that allocates spectrum in the 413-457 MHz band and adopts service and technical rules to allow the use of new types of implanted medical devices that use functional electric stimulation to, among other things, restore sensation, mobility, and function to paralyzed limbs and organs.
    • Presentation on Commission Efforts to Address Barriers to Broadband Adoption: Commission staff will provide a presentation on the Commission’s recent broadband adoption efforts, including a first-of-its-kind national effort to address the barriers to broadband adoption, digital literacy and the employment skills gap.

    FCC Open Meeting

    Thursday, October 27
    10:30 am


    1. Connect America Fund/Intercarrier Compensation Reform: The FCC will consider a Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to comprehensively reform and modernize the universal service and intercarrier compensation systems to ensure that all Americans have access to robust, affordable broadband and mobile services.
    2. Modernizing Television Broadcaster Requirement to Make Information Available to the Public: The FCC will consider an Order on Reconsideration of the 2007 Enhanced Disclosure Report and Order and a Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking proposing to replace television broadcast stations' public files with online public files to be hosted by the Commission.
    3. National Emergency Alert System Preparation Update: The Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau will provide a brief update on the status of preparations for the national test of the Emergency Alert System to be held on November 9, 2011, at 2 p.m. EST.

    FCC Open Meeting

    Thursday, September 22
    10:30 am

    Here's the agenda:

    1. Framework for Next Generation 911 Deployment, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking. A Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to accelerate the development and deployment of Next Generation 911 (NG911) technology to improve public safety by enabling the public to send text, photos, videos, and data communications to 911 Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) and enhancing the information available to PSAPs and first responders for assessing and responding to emergencies.
    2. Deployable Aerial Communications Architecture White Paper. The Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau will present a white paper on the use of deployable aerial communications architecture to facilitate the ability of first responders to communicate with each other and consumers to reach first responders in the wake of natural and manmade disasters, even in situations where there is severe damage to terrestrial communications infrastructure. The report will make recommendations regarding next steps the FCC should consider to promote the development and use of deployable aerial communications architecture.

    FCC Open Meeting

    Tuesday, August 9
    10:30 am

    1. A Report and Order, Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, and Memorandum Opinion and Order addressing several proposals to remove regulatory barriers to the full and effective use of certain spectrum bands for wireless backhaul to promote broadband deployment. The item also addresses other ways to make additional spectrum available for wireless backhaul.
    2. A Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to reduce regulatory burdens and streamline the review process for foreign ownership of common carrier radio licensees (e.g., wireless phone companies) and certain aeronautical radio licensees under section 310(b)(4) of the Communications Act, while ensuring the Commission continues to receive the information it needs to serve the public interest. This item does not address issues related to foreign ownership of broadcast licensees.

    This item has been adopted by the FCC and is no longer on the agenda:

    • An Order on Reconsideration addressing two section 310(b)(4) foreign ownership rulings granted to Verizon Wireless in two proceedings approving its acquisitions of Rural Cellular Corporation (RCC) and Alltel Corporation (Alltel).

    FCC Open Meeting

    Tuesday, July 12
    10:30 am

    Here's the tentative agenda:

    1. Low Power FM and FM Translator Stations Third Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: A Notice of Proposed Rule Making seeking comment on the impact of the Local Community Radio Act on the future licensing of low power FM and FM translator stations.
    2. Cramming Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: A Notice of Proposed Rulemaking designed to empower consumers to prevent and detect unauthorized telephone bill charges (“mystery fees” or “cramming”) by improving the disclosure of third-party charges on wireline telephone bills.
    3. E911 Location Accuracy Third Report and Order, Second Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, and Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: A Report and Order enabling a more effective emergency response system by ensuring that 911 call centers continue to receive precise wireless E911 location information, and a Second Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking seeking to improve E911 location accuracy and reliability for existing and new voice communications technologies, including Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP).

    FCC Open Meeting

    Thursday, June 9
    10:30 am

    Here's the agenda:

    1. Electronic Tariff Filing System Report and Order: The Commission will consider a Report and Order that enables all carriers that file tariffs with the Commission to do so electronically, thereby streamlining their filing processes while also making tariff information more readily accessible to other carriers and the public.
    2. Space Path Interference Report and Order: The Commission will consider a Second Report and Order adopting technical rules to mitigate space path interference between the 17/24 GHz Broadcasting-Satellite Service (BSS) space stations and current and future Direct Broadcasting Service (DBS) space stations that operate in the same frequency band.

    FCC Open Meeting

    Thursday, May 12
    10:30 am

    Here's the tentative agenda:

    1. NPRM to Strengthen and Secure America's Critical Communications Infrastructure: A Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to extend the outage reporting requirements in Part 4 of the rules to interconnected VoIP and broadband service providers to promote the resiliency of America's 9-1-1 system and the country's critical communications infrastructure.
    2. Elimination of the International Settlements Policy NPRM: As part of the Commission's regulatory reform efforts, a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to remove outdated regulations governing the exchange of telephone traffic between U.S. and foreign carriers that are no longer necessary to protect consumers and competition, while strengthening protections against anticompetitive practices by foreign carriers.
    3. Streamlining and Modernizing International Data Reporting Requirements First Report and Order and FNPRM: As part of the Commission's Data Innovation Initiative, a First Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to eliminate unnecessary reporting requirements regarding international telephone service, while streamlining and modernizing remaining international data reporting to ensure continued relevance in light of changing markets.

    FCC Open Meeting

    Thursday, April 7
    10:30 am


    The FCC will consider:

    1. An Order that reforms the Commission’s access, rates, and enforcement rules for utility pole attachments, reducing barriers to deployment and availability of broadband and other wireline and wireless services, and promoting competition.
    2. A Notice of Inquiry seeking comment on key challenges and best practices in expanding the reach and reducing the cost of broadband deployment, including by improving policies for access to government rights of way and wireless facility siting requirements.
    3. A Second Report and Order that adopts a rule requiring facilities-based providers of commercial mobile data services to offer data roaming arrangements to other such providers on commercially reasonable terms and conditions, subject to certain limitations.
    4. A Notice of Inquiry seeking comment on existing reliability standards for communications networks, including broadband networks, and ways to further strengthen the reliability and continuity of communications networks to avoid disruptions of service during major emergencies, such as large-scale natural and manmade disasters.
    5. A Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that will help to fill gaps in wireless coverage and expand broadband in rural and difficult-to serve areas, while protecting wireless networks from harm.
    6. A Report and Order that will adopt rules to detect and prevent fraud and abuse in the provision of video relay service (“VRS”). Also, a Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Proposes to require all VRS providers to obtain certification from the FCC under new, tighter certification procedures in order to receive compensation from the TRS Fund.