Lawmakers cheer NFL change to blackout rule
A trio of lawmakers has come out cheering for the National Football League’s recent decision to change its TV blackout rule.
Sens. Sherrod Brown (D-OH), Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) and Rep. Brian Higgins (D-NY) have touted the league owners’ recent decision to let teams decide whether local TV broadcasters can air games if the stadium is at least 85 percent full. The original NFL rule had required broadcasters to black out the games if the local team did not sell out the stadium. Sen Brown said that the decision ensured “that all [Cincinnati] Bengals fans can root for the home team — not just those who can afford tickets.” The Ohio senator has previously said that the recovering economy and high unemployment rate has caused more fans to stay home than go to games. Sen Blumenthal called the new policy “a step in the right direction.”