November 2012

FCC’s Genachowski: Cybersecurity Should Not Be Part of ITU Treaties

Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski outlined various ways the US government, particularly his commission, was combating cyberattacks, but that does not include a coordinated global effort if it means adding cybersecurity provisions to international telecommunication regulations.

He was echoing Ambassador Terry Kramer, who was tapped by President Barack Obama to lead the U.S. delegation to the World Conference on International Telecommunications (WCIT 12) in Dubai next month, and who raised similar concerns in an American Enterprise Institute speech and panel discussion earlier this week. In a speech at the Centcom Conference on advancing cybersecurity, Chairman Genachowski said the WCIT conference poses real challenges, and pointed to the calls for cybersecurity to part of the treaty conference. "Calls to add cybersecurity provisions in the International Telecommunication Regulations are misplaced and ultimately counterproductive," he said. "International regulations are simply too broad, too inflexible, and too slow to change to effectively address cybersecurity issues. And any attempt to draft a 'one-size-fits-all' text could easily do more harm than good."

Seven Cybersecurity Predictions for 2013

Cybercriminals gained confidence and momentum in 2012. To help organizations prepare for next year, Websense Security Labs announced seven predictions for the 2013 threat landscape:

  1. Mobile devices will be the new target for cross-platform threats.
  2. Cybercriminals will use bypass methods to avoid traditional sandbox detection.
  3. Legitimate mobile app stores will host more malware in 2013.
  4. Government-sponsored attacks will increase as new players enter.
  5. Expect hacktivists to move to the next level as simplistic opportunities dwindle.
  6. Malicious emails are making a comeback.
  7. Cybercriminals will follow the crowds to legitimate content management systems and web platforms.

Meaningful Use helps drive interoperability, standards could also help

Members of the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology took stock of the federal government’s health information technology initiatives and the complex quest for interoperability.

Rep Ben Quayle (R-AZ) said he wanted to hold the technology and innovation subcommittee hearing because of implementation concerns from some of his physician constituents. Rep Quayle also said he was wondering if the roughly $8 billion paid to providers as part of the Office of the National Coordinator’s Meaningful Use incentive program has yielded successful returns, given the federal government’s poor finances. Along with representatives from Intermountain Healthcare, HIMSS and Medicity, federal health officials explained the ONC’s progress in helping American doctors and hospitals adopt health IT systems, and there was also some debate about the challenges of standardizing health IT, in the midst of so much financial pressure and with such a muddy swamp of privacy and legal concerns. Reading his comments from a tablet computer, Farzad Mostashari, MD, national coordinator for health IT, said the HITECH Act and health IT programs it has spawned are largely turning out to be worthwhile investments, citing a doubling of EHR adoption rates among physicians and the new delivery models that are using data to improve care.

US doctors gain ground on health IT, but other countries lead

The U.S. is not alone among high-income nations in its efforts to push health information technology use to primary-care providers, according to results of a recent survey by the Commonwealth Fund.

Nor is the U.S. alone in its struggle to achieve interoperability of systems and the free exchange of healthcare information, the surveyors found. A "high percentage" of the nearly 8,500 physicians surveyed across the 10 nations covered by the survey "reported that they did not routinely receive timely information from specialists or hospitals," while feedback loops providing physicians with data about their own performance "varied notably" between countries, according to a report, "A Survey of Primary Care Doctors in Ten Countries Shows Progress in Use of Health Information Technology, Less in Other Areas," appearing online in the policy journal Health Affairs. In addition to physicians in the U.S., the surveyors plied their primary-care counterparts in Australia, Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Switzerland and the U.K., asking them about their concerns regarding the use of health IT and communications across care sites and feedback on practice performance, as well as patient access to care, healthcare system capacity and their overall satisfaction with practicing medicine in that system. U.S. physicians were the most likely to complain about the time spent "grappling with insurance restrictions” and noted that "their patients often went without care because of costs," the report said.

The report authors note that eight of the 10 countries surveyed provide financial incentives for patients to seek out primary-care providers, ranging from full coverage with no cost sharing in Canada, the Netherlands and the U.K. to "modest" cost-sharing in the five other countries. But Switzerland and the U.S. are cost outliers; there, "patients often face substantial deductibles as well as cost-sharing," although income assistance and out-of-pocket limits in Switzerland reduce financial liability for Swiss patients "to levels well below those in the United States."

The Internet Association's Michael Beckerman

A Q&A with Internet Association President and CEO Michael Beckerman.

The trade association launched officially in September and counts as members 14 Web giants with deep financial pockets and influence, including Google, Facebook, AOL, LinkedIn, and Zynga.

He says the Internet’s” largest foe is just a misunderstanding of how the Internet works. Individual companies are better suited in dealing with their users and customers than the government. Laws and regulations get written based on what we know today, and aren't mindful of innovations that might occur a year or five years from now. The other is unintended consequences. You can look back at SOPA; it was so egregious, so detrimental to the function of a free Internet. But a lot of the challenges will be small and incremental. They'll come in the dead of night. People won't be looking for them. That's why we are here. We can alert millions of individuals who lent their voice during SOPA/PIPA to things they might not otherwise catch.”

You Google Wrong

Every few months, Google offers its Power Searching with Google class, which consists of six 50-minute classes split up into 5 to 10 minute YouTube clips. Each and every lesson is taught by Google research scientist (and Search expert) Dan Russell from the same couch, with the same Macbook, wearing the same light blue buttoned down shirt. It's monotony just like a real-live class! Also, like a true place of learning, there is homework. An activity follows each clip, going over (and testing) the information just discussed. There is also a mid-term and a final, which are graded. (If the prospect of limitless shame at not passing your Google Search final doesn't motivate you, nothing will.) And, in order to get a certificate (to hang on your Facebook wall?), you must complete these assessments on time.

New America Foundation
Thursday, November 29, 2012
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

The United Nations has its eyes on the Internet. A summit next month could lead to a telecommunications treaty granting a U.N. agency jurisdiction, and control, over the online universe. The issue is being furiously debated and lobbied in advance of the summit. Companies, technologists, free speech advocates and national governments must now consider the relative merits of the current decentralized, U.S.-centered governance of the Internet, versus a more equitable, multinational (but possibly more restrictive) system. Haven't heard much about this looming fight that could radically alter the character of the Internet? It's not too late -- join Future Tense to learn about all about it.

Sunil Abraham(via Skype) - @sunil_abraham
Executive Director, Centre for Internet and Society

Ellery Biddle - @ellerybiddle
Policy Analyst, Center for Democracy and Technology

Jim Cicconi - @ATTPublicPolicy
Senior Executive Vice President for External and Legislative Affairs, AT&T

Derrick Cogburn - @derrickcogburn
Associate Professor of International Relations, American University

Susan Crawford (invited) - @scrawford
Visiting Professor, Harvard Kennedy School of Government
Author, Captive Audience: The Telecom Industry and Monopoly Power in the Gilded Age
Member of ICANN Board of Directors (2005-2008)

Jonathan Koppell - @ASU
Dean of College of Public Programs, Arizona State University
Author, World Rule: Accountability, Legitimacy, and the Design of Global Governance

Rebecca MacKinnon - @rmack
Senior Fellow, New America Foundation
Author, Consent of the Networked

Sascha Meinrath - @saschameinrath
Vice President and Director, Open Technology Institute, New America Foundation

Milton Mueller - @miltonmueller
Professor and Director, Telecommunications Network Management Program, Syracuse University School of Information Studies

David Post - @templelaw
Professor of Law, Temple University
Author, In Search of Jefferson's Moose: Notes on the State of Cyberspace

Tim Wu - @superwuster
Future Tense Fellow, New America Foundation
Author, The Master Switch: The Rise and Fall Information Empires

To RSVP for the event:

For questions, contact Stephanie Gunter at New America at (202) 596-3367 or

MetroPCS Due to Dial Up the Details on T-Mobile Deal

MetroPCS is expected to file a proxy on its sale to Deutsche Telekom AG’s T-Mobile USA to the Securities and Exchange Commission in coming days. The document should include the financial projections of the combined company as well as background about the deal, including MetroPCS’s interactions with other companies prior to the agreement. The background section “includes everything that we’ve been working on for the last year and a half,” MetroPCS’s Chief Financial Officer Braxton Carter said. “I think it will be a fascinating read for a lot of people.” Don’t expect the company to name names on other possible partners. (More typical are references to the likes of “company A, company B.”) But a guessing game could ensue on who is behind various references.

Selling the Dodgers will end up costing News Corp a lot

As News Corp.'s Fox Sports unit prepares to spend billions of dollars to keep television rights to the Los Angeles Dodgers, one has to wonder if the media giant has any pings of regret over selling the team in the first place.

News Corp. owned the Dodgers from 1998 to 2004. It paid $350 million to get the team from the O'Malley family and sold it for $430 million to Frank McCourt, who earlier this year sold it to private equity firm Guggenheim Partners for $2.1 billion. Now, if Fox Sports wants to keep the Dodgers on its Prime Ticket cable channel here, it will likely have to pay an average of at least $150 million a season. When McCourt still owned the team, Fox Sports made an offer of $3 billion for a 20-year deal. Fox Sports is nearing the end of its exclusive negotiating window with Guggenheim Partners for a new TV agreement. Waiting in the wings if Fox Sports can't get a deal done is Time Warner Cable, which already snagged the rights to the Lakers away from Fox for its new channel, SportsNet.

Senate Judiciary Committee to vote on email privacy bill

The Senate Judiciary Committee will hold a markup on Nov. 29 of legislation that would require police to obtain a warrant before reading people's emails, Facebook messages or other forms of electronic communication.

Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-VT) added the warrant requirement to H.R. 2471, a House bill that would loosen video privacy regulations. Chairman Leahy argues that the warrant requirement is necessary to ensure that federal privacy laws keep pace with advances in technology. Under the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) of 1986, police only need an administrative subpoena, issued without a judge's approval, to read emails that have been opened or that are more than 180 days old. Police simply swear an email is relevant to an investigation, and then obtain a subpoena to force an Internet company to turn it over. When lawmakers passed the ECPA more than 25 years ago, they failed to anticipate that email providers would offer massive online storage. They assumed that if a person hadn't downloaded and deleted an email within six months, it could be considered abandoned and wouldn't require strict privacy protections. Civil liberties groups say ECPA is woefully out of date in an era when deleting emails is no longer necessary.