July 2013

San Jose State will suspend online courses offered with Udacity

San Jose State University is suspending a highly touted collaboration with online provider Udacity to offer low-cost, for-credit online courses after finding that more than half of the students failed to pass the classes.

Preliminary results from a spring pilot project found student pass rates of 20% to 44% in remedial math, college-level algebra and elementary statistics courses. In a somewhat more promising outcome, 83% of students completed the classes. The program was expanded this summer with two new courses: computer science and introduction to psychology. Each of the classes costs $150, with no state or federal support. But Udacity and San Jose State announced they jointly agreed to pull the courses this fall to examine results in greater detail and make improvements and adjustments.

Democrats investigate hidden fees on Internet, cellphone bills

Reps. Anna Eshoo (D-CA) and Mike Doyle (D-PA), Ben Ray Luján (D-NM) and Jim Matheson (D-UT) sent letters to leading Internet and cellphone service providers, questioning them over extra fees that are often tacked on to consumers' bills.

The "below-the-line" charges include administrative, recovery and service fees and generate hundreds of millions of dollars for communications companies, according to the lawmakers. They accused the companies of deceiving consumers by advertising low rates, and then piling on unexpected charges at the end of the month. "Transparency and disclosure in the marketplace ensure that consumers are able to accurately compare competing services and choose the provider that best meets their needs," the lawmakers wrote. Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile and CenturyLink received the letters. The lawmakers asked the companies to detail any extra fees they charge and how they disclose those fees. They asked whether the companies charge customers for changing their service plan and whether they notify consumers before imposing extra costs.

Consumer advocacy groups Public Knowledge, Consumers Union and Free Press issued statements applauding the lawmakers for opening the investigation.

Big Data Is the Only Way to Compete With Google

[Commentary] In addition to diverse search tools, Google’s assets also include a powerhouse of advertising services (AdWords, etc.), communication and publishing tools (Drive, Hangouts), developmental resources (OpenSocial), social platforms (Google Plus), map-related products (Google Maps), streaming entertainment (Google Play), statistical tools (Analytics), operating systems (Android, Chrome OS), desktop and mobile Web applications (Gmail), and even hardware (Galaxy Nexus). And yes, while Google’s search business continues to grow and expand successfully, it isn’t without potential competitors in major areas of its permeating business model.

And while there may be obvious competitors like Microsoft and Apple, there are other partners that could also become more fearsome competitors over time. Two that come to mind are Amazon and Salesforce. As Amazon continues to become the e-commerce giant, it may be able to siphon advertising revenue by diverting e-commerce traffic away from Google, and Salesforce’s combination of sales data with social insight may redirect real spend away from search into the more social arenas online.

[Hughes is CEO of The Search Agency]

Google Results Show Struggle With Mobile

For more than a year, Google has been struggling to solve this riddle: Even though people are using Google on their mobile devices more than ever, how does Google make more money on mobile ads? Despite a range of efforts by Google, the riddle remains unsolved. Google reported second-quarter results that missed analysts’ expectations for revenue and profit. They showed that its desktop search business continues to slow and ad prices continue to fall as it struggles to make as much money on mobile devices.

Conservative economist predicts 1.5 million jobs from online sales tax

Allowing states to tax online purchases could produce about 1.5 million new jobs and a $563 billion boost in gross domestic product, according to a report from famed conservative economist Arthur B. Laffer.

The study, which was co-authored by Donna Arduin, analyzed the economic impact of online sales tax legislation if states lowered other tax rates, such as personal income taxes. The authors argued that sales taxes are "the least damaging to a state's economy and employment." "Using additional sales tax revenue resulting from federal e-fairness language to lower other taxes is a distinctly pro-growth policy. It’s a win/win for states," they wrote. They concluded that the lack of an online sales tax encourages consumers to evaluate products at local retailers, but then buy the products from out-of-state websites.

Bill Re-Introduced to Pair Spectrum for Auction

Reps. Doris Matsui (D-CA), Brett Guthrie (R-KY) and Duncan Hunter (R- CA) have introduced -- actually reintroduced -- a bill, the Efficient Use of Government Spectrum Act, that would require the Federal Communications Commission to pair the 1755-1780 MHz band with 2155-2180 MHz and auction it for potential wireless broadband use.

The bill would allow for government users to share the spectrum in geographic areas where clearing the band would not threaten military capability. That provision is an effort to make it a stronger sell to the Department of Defense, which has registered concerns about having to give up the spectrum. Not surprisingly, wireless companies and the consumer electronics companies that make smart devices applauded the move to goose the freeing up of government spectrum. Rep Matsui introduced a similar bill in the last Congress.

House Panel Vets Cybersecurity Executive Order

The House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Cybersecurity held a hearing on the President's executive order mandating the development of a cybersecurity framework, and it is clear the issue of whether that framework becomes regulation by proxy remains a concern to Republican leadership on the subcommittee.

Hearing witnesses from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the Department of Homeland Security assured the subcommittee that the they were still focused on a voluntary framework and that the "buy-in" from industry stakeholders would be critical to the success of the program. But Robert Kolasky from the Department of Homeland Security, who is among the officials overseeing the cybersecurity standards-setting process, said the Administration still believed a "comprehensive suite" of legislation was needed to buttress the order. Those include facilitating information sharing with government, something the president could not order, privacy and civil liberties protections, incentivizing adherence to voluntary best practices and data breach reporting requirements.

New America Foundation
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
4:00pm - 6:00pm

Public access cable operations provide important opportunities for voices rarely heard on mainstream media. These operations were often begun with the same high hopes that many of us now invest in the Internet or social media. Underserved communities fought for the right to get on cable, and they won the right to require cable companies to provide public access channels as part of the public interest payment for using the public streets and alleys to get to cable consumers. But now in 21 states franchise agreements have expired and funding has been slashed, putting an estimated 500 public access channels in severe risk of going off the air. The 2011 Community Access Preservation Act did not become law, but advocates are working on a version of the bill to introduce in the Senate this year. What does the future hold for public access cable?

DCTV, the public access operation in the District of Columbia has served the community for 25 years. Whether it is a daily roundtable on local D.C. politics or a documentary by high school students, DCTV is a forum for the community. But who watches? Are the past hopes for public access realized? And what does the future hold for DCTV?

Join us for a conversation with both participants and experts in community television as they discuss the role of public access TV in D.C. in particular and the policy environment for public access TV across the country.


Tonya Gonzalez
Vice President of Public Affairs, DCTV

Bunnie Reidel
Director, American Community Television

Robyn Holden
Program Host, DCTV
Founder, The National Media Consortium

Mark Lloyd
Director, Media Policy Initiative

SoftBank Chief Hints at More Price Cuts for Sprint

Sprint’s new unlimited wireless plan, announced after its $21.6 billion acquisition by Japan’s SoftBank, did not deliver the aggressive price cuts that some analysts had expected. But cheaper plans could be coming. Masayoshi Son, SoftBank’s chief executive, hinted that further price cuts could be in the works as the company invests to upgrade Sprint, America’s No. 3 wireless carrier.

“We will be aggressive in technology, price packages, services on every front,” Son said. “At the same time, we will improve the network to be the world’s best,” he said. Son has been behind a sharp decline in prices for broadband and cellphone services in Japan. Expectations are high that Son will bring that strategy to Sprint, which has struggled with subscriber defections for years and that Mr. Son will inject healthy dose of competition to America’s mobile industry.

Surge in Wireless Contracts Boosts Verizon’s Profit

Verizon Communications’ second-quarter earnings rose 23% as the signing of more wireless contracts and FiOS subscriber gains helped boost revenue. The largest U.S. phone carrier has outperformed its rivals in recent years by grabbing market share, retaining customers, and squeezing more profits out of its business as demonstrated by Verizon Wireless — its joint venture with Vodafone — launching shared-data pricing plans to better capitalize on increasing data usage.

Verizon Wireless added 941,000 of the most profitable postpaid subscribers, up from 888,000 additions a year earlier and 677,000 additions in the prior quarter. It added 1.04 million total subscribers during the quarter, pushing its base to 100.1 million connections. Wireless revenue rose 7.5% to $20 billion. Total postpaid churn, or customers who cancel services, was 0.93%, compared with 0.84% a year earlier and 1.01% in the prior quarter. Meanwhile, Verizon's wireline business has benefited from increased FiOS Internet and television subscriptions and expanded networking and cloud-computing services, mitigating the impact of a shrinking landline business. The company also added 161,000 FiOS Internet and 140,000 FiOS Video subscribers during the quarter. Average revenue per user at the wireline business climbed 9.4%.