July 2013

Ad-supported website operators decry cost of new online privacy rules for children

Under regulations that went into effect July 1, websites catering to children will no longer be able to collect a range of identifying information without obtaining verifiable parental consent.

The child protection regulations will now hold the owners of sites and apps frequented by children responsible for third-party services — such as plug-ins or ads — that collect personal information from visitors who say they're younger than 13. The third-party services will be held liable only if the FTC can prove they knowingly collected personal information from children. Kid-friendly websites that want to use such ads to provide free content to kids, or that want to collect personal information for interactive content, now have to either get parental consent or forgo the content altogether, as some tech experts worry they'll do.

California State Senate panel backs AT&T in clash on LifeLine phone service

A key California state Senate committee is backing phone giant AT&T in a clash with regulators over how to update the state's LifeLine program that provides cut-rate phone service for 1.2 million low-income consumers who now must use old-fashioned land lines.

The Senate Energy, Utilities and Communications Committee voted 6 to1 to support a bill turning LifeLine into a voucher system, providing discounts on phone services and getting rid of most oversight by the California Public Utilities Commission. The bill goes to the Senate Appropriations Committee in August. Users now pay about $7 a month for a LifeLine package of basic services determined by the PUC. Lifeline, similar to other state programs providing lower-cost electricity and natural gas service for the poor, is financed by ratepayers through a small surcharge on monthly bills. The commission is wrapping up plans to expand Lifeline so that participants, say a couple making $25,000 a year, can get affordable cellphone service along with features currently available from the landline program, such as free access to toll-free numbers and unlimited incoming calls. Instead, AT&T — a Sacramento lobbying powerhouse — and other telecommunications companies want to offer participants $11.85 worth of discounts a month, but leave the monthly phone charge to be set by the phone companies, not the PUC.

LA, let Uber's cars share the road

[Commentary] Consumer protection is important. And rules to ensure safety and to deter fraud are necessary. But many regulations aren't about safeguarding consumers; they're about entrenching incumbents (at consumers' expense), and they're typically created by the very agencies that are supposed to oversee those incumbents. Governments at all levels should guard against this tendency by prioritizing innovation and removing unnecessary regulations that burden risk-taking entrepreneurs. If regulators took this approach, we'd make it easier for creative start-ups like Uber, Lyft and Sidecar to be competitive. And we'd leave fewer consumers standing, literally and figuratively, at the curb.

Big disconnect: Telcos abandon copper phone lines

Robert Post misses his phone line. Post, 85, has a pacemaker that needs to be checked once a month by phone. But the copper wiring that once connected his home to the rest of the world is gone, and the phone company refuses to restore it.

In October 2012, Superstorm Sandy pushed the sea over Post's neighborhood in Mantoloking, N.J., leaving hundreds of homes wrecked, and one floating in the bay. The homes on this sandy spit of land along the Jersey Shore are being rebuilt, but Verizon doesn't want to replace washed-away lines and waterlogged underground cables. Phone lines are outdated, the company says. Mantoloking is one of the first places in the country where the traditional phone line is going dead. For now, Verizon, the country's second-largest landline phone company, is taking the lead by replacing phone lines with wireless alternatives. But competitors including AT&T have made it clear they want to follow. It's the beginning of a technological turning point, representing the receding tide of copper-wire landlines that have been used since commercial service began in 1877.

Fire Island Becomes Test Case as Verizon Abandons Copper

Roni Elovitch replaced furniture and rebuilt walls in her home after Superstorm Sandy submerged parts of Fire Island, New York. She’s dismayed Verizon Communications won’t embark on a post-hurricane refurbishing of its own.

“They want to abandon us because it would be more cost-effective,” Elovitch said at the deck railing of her Bayberry Walk home in Ocean Beach.

Fire Island itself is small: a narrow, 32-mile (50-kilometer) stretch of barrier beach on Long Island’s south shore with about 300 permanent residents and tens of thousands around now, when it becomes a haven for trendy New Yorkers. The issue there, however, is large, steeped in history and with implications for phone customers nationwide. Back in 1934, the U.S. government required carriers to offer home-phone service to all households. The policy, carried on copper wire for decades, helped extend telecommunications technology to remote and rural areas across the country. The storm destroyed the copper wiring on Fire Island. Instead of replacing it, Verizon offered every resident a wireless alternative it calls Voice Link. Elovitch and others complain about call delays and echoes on Link -- and are even more upset that they have to use a wireless technology for Internet access, for an extra fee.

WiscNet leaders vow to forge on without UW System contract

Leaders of of WiscNet, the Internet service provider the University of Wisconsin System dropped last month, told state senators they are confident that the company will be able to continue providing services to public schools and libraries despite the loss of 27% of its revenue without the university business.

When UW System officials announced their decision to drop WiscNet last month, state Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Evers predicted a ripple effect that would leave WiscNet's other clients — 75% of Wisconsin public school districts and 90% of libraries — without a provider or forced to contract with a more expensive vendor. "This is a critical time for all entities involved," said David Lois, the executive director of WiscNet, which has worked closely within the UW System for the last 15 years to build a "complex and intricate grid" that provides network services to the university system. Lois said that while the system made up a large percentage of the company's revenue, it also accounts for a large part of its expenses. The UW System intends to operate its own independent network service, a move UW-Madison Provost Paul DeLuca told the Journal Sentinel last month was not the system's preferred option and would likely result in higher costs than remaining with WiscNet.

US Downplays Spying Accusations in China Hacking Talks

American officials focused on the hacking of corporate secrets during the first meeting of a U.S.- China cybersecurity group in Washington, downplaying their own spying operations exposed by a former government contractor.

The Obama Administration officials raised accusations that the Chinese government is responsible for hacking into companies’ computers to steal intellectual property, according to an official at the meeting who asked to remain anonymous due to the sensitive nature of the discussions. US accusations against the Chinese government have been overshadowed in recent weeks by leaked classified material from former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden, including that the U.S. has hacked computers in Hong Kong and mainland China since 2009.

Tech hiring accounts for 10 percent of U.S. employment gains

Hiring of technology professionals has been on the upswing in the first half of this year, with new IT hires accounting for about 10 percent of all the job growth in the U.S. in June, according to two independent assessments.

Total tech employment reached 4.47 million in June, an increase of 22,600 jobs from the prior month, or a .51 percent gain, according to TechServe Alliance, an IT services industry group which tracks employment data month-to-month. The total excludes tech manufacturing employment. Similarly, Foote Partners, which researches IT employment trends, reported a gain of 18,200 new tech jobs last month. These gains are coming at the same time that some tech employers are cutting jobs.

Only 13% Of Google.com Shows Actual Search Results

Aaron Harris, co-founder of Tutorspree, broke down Google search page results into simple real estate percentages. As it turns out, on a 13-inch Macbook Air, a mere 13% of Google’s results page are dedicated to results when searching “auto mechanic.” (More literally, that means Google gives you three links for your troubles.)

More than twice that space is spent on ads--yielding almost four times the number of links. Imagine that in any other context--maybe a TV show in which the commercials were the main attraction--and it’s beyond absurd. Open your iPhone. Search for “Italian Food." What do you see? If you’re in NYC, you see 0 organic results. You see an ad unit taking half the page, and then a Google owned Zagat listing. Start scrolling, you’ll see a map, then Google local listings. After four full page scrolls, you’ll have the organic listings in front of you.

AT&T prepping sale of customers' anonymous location information and Web, app usage data

AT&T said it "may" begin selling anonymous information about its customers' wireless and Wi-Fi locations, U-verse usage, website browsing, mobile application usage and "other information" to other businesses. The carrier said it will protect its customers' privacy by providing the data in aggregate so it cannot be used to identify an individual. The carrier also said its customers can opt out of the program. AT&T disclosed its plans in an update to its privacy policy.

The carrier provided some examples as to how it might sell its customers' usage and location data:

  • Reports for retail businesses that show the number of wireless devices in or near their store locations by time of day and day of the week, together with demographic characteristics of the users (such as age and gender) in those groups.
  • Reports that combine anonymous U-verse TV viewing behaviors with other aggregate information we may have about our subscribers to create reports that would help a TV network better understand the audiences that are viewing their programs, those that are not, how frequently they watch, when they watch, and other similar information; and
  • Reports for device manufacturers that combine information such as device type, make and model with demographic and regional location information to reflect the popularity of particular device types with various customer segments.