Former NSA chief learns the other side of eavesdropping thanks to a Twitter user
“Former NSA spy boss Michael Hayden on Acela behind me blabbing ‘on background as a former senior admin official,’ ” tweeted Tom Matzzie, a former Washington director of the political group Move . “Sounds defensive.” For the next 15 minutes, the accidental eavesdropper gave periodic — and detailed — updates about Hayden’s conversation.
At one point, Hayden dropped the name “Massimo,” which led Matzzie to suspect Hayden was talking to Time’s national security reporter, Massimo Calabresi. “Michael Hayden on Acela giving reporters disparaging quotes about admin,” wrote Matzzie. “ ‘Remember, just refer as former senior admin.’ ” Hayden denied chastising the Obama administration. “I didn’t criticize the president,” Hayden told The Washington Post. “I actually said these are very difficult issues. I said I had political guidance, too, that limited the things that I did when I was director of NSA. Now that political guidance [for current officials] is going to be more robust. It wasn’t a criticism.” He said he told Calabresi that Obama’s decision to use a BlackBerry put his communications at risk, and the NSA decided it needed to make his device more secure. Matzzie, Hayden said, “got it terribly wrong.” He dismissed the tweets as a“[B.S.] story from a liberal activist sitting two seats from me on the train hearing intermittent snatches of conversation.”