Comcast rejects accusation that it hasn't met FCC diversity guidelines
Comcast continues to vigorously defend its diversity record with the Federal Communications Commission, calling accusations that it launched figurehead channels to satisfy mandates associated with the 2011 purchase of NBCUniversal "rank speculation." Through his National Association of African American-Owned Media and Entertainment Studios, Inc., media mogul complained to the FCC in March that channels including Aspire and Revolt have prominent African-Americans attached to them, but are really run by the established paradigm of white TV executives. "Comcast, Aspire, and Revolt have rebutted petitioners' false allegations, and petitioners offer no contrary evidence," Comcast said in its latest FCC filing. "Yet, they nonetheless make the offensive claim that 'the information generally available strongly indicates' that Comcast's African American partners 'make mere cameo appearances as necessary to maintain the illusion and pick up the occasional check.' "Petitioners' reply makes no serious effort to rebut Comcast's showing that Revolt and Aspire are entirely independent from Comcast," the company added. Further, Comcast said the FCC shouldn't consider Allen's petition, since filing rules were violated.