Internet providers won’t rest until the government’s net-neutrality rules are dead
Internet providers who oppose the government's network neutrality rules will once again take the issue to court as they ask more than a dozen federal judges to throw out the regulations. A Washington trade group representing cellular carriers, CTIA, will be requesting a rehearing of the case by the US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit, apprently. Likely joining the group will be AT&T, the trade association USTelecom and a number of others.
The challenge comes weeks after the industry was broadly defeated at the DC Circuit Court, when three judges ruled to uphold the net neutrality rules, which dramatically broaden the government's ability to regulate Internet providers. As written, the rules ban the blocking and slowing of Internet traffic by companies, such as Comcast and Verizon, as well as wireless carriers, such as T-Mobile and Sprint. In defending the rules from the industry's legal assault, the Federal Communications Commission argued that discriminating against some types of online content while giving other types preferential treatment would create an uneven playing field.