Verizon Wireless disconnects some heavy data users in rural areas
Verizon Wireless said it is disconnecting a small group of customers who use vast amounts of data in rural areas where Verizon relies on roaming agreements with smaller network operators. "Earlier this month we notified a small group of customers who are out of contract and primarily use mobile data on other wireless companies’ networks that we won’t be their service provider after July 30, 2017," a Verizon spokesperson said. "This only affects a few people who primarily roam on other networks and does not affect customers who primarily use Verizon's own network."
The customers who are affected "are using vast amounts of data—some as much as a terabyte or more a month—outside of our network footprint," the company said. Verizon gave the customers several weeks notice so they have time to port their numbers to new providers. Verizon provided no option to switch to different plans. "We regularly review accounts with data use that primarily takes place outside of the Verizon network," Verizon also said.