Public Knowledge Files FCC Reply Comments to Preserve Net Neutrality Rules
The comments submitted in the record so far serve only to illustrate that the Federal Communications Commission was right in 2015 to classify broadband as a Title II service and to adopt Open Internet rules, and that the DC Circuit was right to uphold it. Poll after poll shows that a majority of Americans of both political parties support net neutrality. Just today, a broadband-industry funded study found that 60 percent of comments filed before the FCC support keeping the current rules in place, including 98.5 percent of unique comments.
Net neutrality opponents are wrong on the facts, wrong on the law, and attempt to rewrite history to support their agenda -- and the public is not behind them. If the FCC attempts to rely on the corporate PR, paid-for ‘economic’ analyses, and misstatements of legal precedent that currently support its proposal, it will lose in court -- but not before harming consumers and damaging competition in the meantime. Because the facts continue to show a need for rules, and because opponents have failed to substantiate any claims of alleged harms they cause, the Commission must keep the rules in place.