June 2018

Oppenheimer: AT&T, Verizon capital expenditures in 2018 higher than expected

 The analysts at Oppenheimer raised their capital expenditure estimates for both AT&T and Verizon for 2018, noting that both carriers are spending slightly more on their network efforts than the analysts had initially expected. The analysts also lowered their capex estimate for Sprint for the current quarter to just $1 billion, down from $1.5 billion, but the firm didn’t change its estimates for Sprint’s total 2018 capex spending.

How Social Networks Set the Limits of What We Can Say Online

[Commentary]  We have handed to private companies the power to set and enforce the boundaries of appropriate public speech. That is an enormous cultural power to be held by so few, and it is largely wielded behind closed doors, making it difficult for outsiders to inspect or challenge.