August 2018

President Trump volunteer blocks news photographer's shot of protester

A volunteer member of the advance team for President Donald Trump blocked a photojournalist's camera as he tried to take a photo of a protester during a campaign rally in Indiana. A photo taken by Associated Press photographer Evan Vuccishows the volunteer stretching out his hand over the lens of a news photographer's camera after a protester disrupted Trump's campaign event. President Trump paced on stage at the Ford Center as the protester was led out.

President Trump’s latest rally rant is much more alarming and dangerous than usual

At his rally on Aug 30 in Indiana, President Donald Trump unleashed his usual attacks on the news media, but he also added a refrain that should set off loud, clanging alarm bells. President Trump didn’t simply castigate “fake news.” He also suggested the media is allied with special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s probe — an alliance, he claimed, that is conspiring not just against Trump but also against his supporters. “Today’s Democrat Party is held hostage by left-wing haters, angry mobs, deep-state radicals, establishment cronies and their fake-news allies,” President Trump railed.

How the Rural Electric Cooperative Consortium Won $186 Million in CAF II Funding for Gigabit Broadband

When 21 rural electric cooperatives decided to submit a joint bid to receive funding for gigabit broadband in the Connect America Fund (CAF) II auction, their reason was a simple one. Consultants helping with bids were only allowed to work with a single bidder — and submitting a joint bid as the Rural Electric Cooperative Consortium enabled multiple co-ops to work with consulting firm Conexon. Telecompetitor talked with Jonathan Chambers, one of two partners who created Conexon with the goal of seeing fiber brought to rural America.

How California’s super-strict net neutrality law reached the home stretch

It’s been a tough fight, with one near-fatal stumble, but California’s assembly just passed what are undoubtedly the strictest protections for net neutrality in the country–if not the world. After what supporters hope will be a perfunctory re-vote in the state Senate, the bill will go to Gov Jerry Brown (D-CA), who has 30 days to sign or veto it.

How state attorneys general are driving tech policy

State attorneys general (AGs), for better or worse, are increasingly important actors in tech policy. The internet is a greenfield regulatory opportunity, and in the tech policy realm, AGs are flexing their muscle on online privacy, net neutrality, and data security.