September 2018

Chairman Pai Remarks at White House 5G Summit

With senior leaders participating from across government, this meeting sends a powerful message: US leadership in 5G technology is a national imperative for economic growth and competitiveness. So point one: We need to seize the opportunities of 5G. Point two: Time is of the essence. We are not alone in our pursuit of 5G. The US is in the lead, thanks to our private sector as well as the work of the Federal Communications Commission, this Administration, and Congress. But China, South Korea, and many other countries are eager to claim this mantle.

Internet, social media use and device ownership in U.S. have plateaued after years of growth

The use of digital technology has had a long stretch of rapid growth in the United States, but the share of Americans who go online, use social media or own key devices has remained stable the past two years, according to a new analysis of Pew Research Center data. The shares of US adults who say they use the internet, use social media, own a smartphone or own a tablet computer are all nearly identical to the shares who said so in 2016.

Journalists Make Case for President Trump Interference in AT&T-Time Warner Deal

Journalists are telling a federal court that there were solid reasons to believe that President Donald Trump's animus toward CNN played a role in the Administration's attempt to block the merger of CNN parent Time Warner with AT&T and that a lower court should have allowed that "selective enforcement" defense to be introduced and evidence of that claim presented.

DOJ antitrust chief Delrahim questions whether there’s ‘credible evidence’ Big Tech is harming innovation

The Justice Department’s top antitrust enforcer, Makan Delrahim, is receptive to complaints that tech companies such as Google and Facebook may be hindering competition with their dominance but believes regulators lack the economic evidence that would be needed to prove such a case in court. Delrahim that there are “very valid concerns at some level” about whether companies in Silicon Valley are getting too big, or “stifling innovation or consumer choice.” In principle, those complaints could ultimately lead to an antitrust suit, Delrahim said.