December 2018

Rhode Island Sues Google Over Google+ Breach

Rhode Island is suing Google over a data breach the state said compromised the information of 52.5 million users. That is according to the office of RI General Treasurer Seth Magaziner—the state's pension fund is invested in Google. The pension fund filed a motion with the court to head a class action shareholder suit after it was reported that Google execs had not disclosed the breach, which involved the Google+ attempt by the company to capture some of the social media market.

Comcast rejected by small town—residents vote for municipal fiber instead

Charlemont, a small MA town, has rejected an offer from Comcast and instead plans to build a municipal fiber broadband network. Comcast offered to bring cable Internet to up to 96 percent of households in Charlemont in exchange for the town paying $462,123 plus interest toward infrastructure costs over 15 years.

Digital Divide Among School-Age Children Narrows, but Millions Still Lack Internet Connections

America continues to make significant strides in reducing the digital divide among school-age children. In 2017, 14 percent of the US population between ages 6 and 17 lived in homes with no Internet service, down from 19 percent in 2015. Still, significant challenges remain, especially for the approximately 7 million school-age children that lived in households without home Internet service in 2017.