May 2019

Report on Broadband Deployment in Indian Country

As this report (based on super-accurate Dec 2017 Form 477 data) shows, while broadband deployment to Tribal lands has increased in recent years, additional work remains to increase deployment to the certain Tribal areas and reach the FCC's goal of closing the digital divide for all Americans.

Report on Promoting Internet Access Service for Veterans

This report explores the availability and adoption of broadband Internet access services by veterans throughout the nation. While the FCC finds that many veterans have access to both fixed and mobile broadband options, a significant number still lack access to fixed broadband, mobile broadband, or both. Specifically, for 92.5% of veterans at least one provider of 25 Mbps/3 Mbps fixed broadband services is available, while only 78.4% of veterans have 10 Mbps/3Mbps mobile LTE broadband coverage.

FCC Commissioner Rosenworcel Calls for Update on Sale of Real-Time Location Data

To safeguard the privacy and safety of American consumers, Commissioner Rosenworcel sent letters to major phone companies to confirm whether they have lived up to their commitments to end location aggregation services. The FCC needs to do more to protect the privacy and security of American consumers. It needs to do more to provide the public with basic information about what is happening with their realtime location information.

Coalition Letter to DHS Opposing Surveillance of Activists, Journalists, and Lawyers

We are a coalition of 103 civil liberties, civil rights, corporate responsibility, faith-based, human rights, immigrant rights, journalism, media, privacy, and government transparency organizations, legal service providers, and trade associations. We write to express our deep concern with reports of surveillance and targeting of activists, journalists, and lawyers by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).