August 2019

Unlicensed Signal Boosters Get a Boost From Amazon

Cell phone signal boosters are powerful devices. Installed in a home or office, they can potentially amplify one signal bar into five. In rural areas with poor cell coverage, or in buildings where signals have trouble penetrating, they can be lifesavers, providing reliable access to communication networks and emergency services. But boosters also have a dark side: if misconfigured or poorly manufactured, they can knock out service for everyone who happens to be nearby. That’s why the Federal Communications Commission began regulating the devices in 2014.

To guard against hacking, Democrats recommend scrapping tele-caucus

Democratic officials moved to block plans to allow caucusgoers to vote by phone in Iowa and Nevada in 2020 because of concerns the technology could be hacked. An advisory from Tom Perez, the chair of the Democratic National Committee, and the co-chairs of the Rules and Bylaws Committee recommended against the virtual caucus or tele-caucus in the two early-voting states. Internal security and technology analysts, working with a panel of outside experts, found that there was no teleconference system that met security standards, apparently. 

The persistence of broadband user behavior: Implications for universal service and competition policy

In several markets, firms compete not for consumer expenditure but consumer attention. We examine user priorities over the allocation of their time, and interpret that behavior in light of policy discussions over universal service, data caps, and related policy topics, such as merger analysis. Specifically, we use extensive microdata on user online choice to characterize the demand for the services offered online, which drives a household's supply of attention.

Chairman Pai's Response to Members of Congress Regarding Broadband Mapping

On Aug 19 and 21, 2019, Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai responded to various Members of Congress who expressed concerns about the FCC's inaccurate broadband mapping. Chairman Pai wrote that, "After a thorough review of the record and the painstaking work of our career staff, the Commission adopted a Report and Order at the FCC’s August Open Meeting that will result in more granular and more accurate broadband maps through the creation of the Digital Opportunity Data Collection.


Subcommittee on Communications, Technology, Innovation, and the Internet

Senate Commerce Committee

Thu, 09/05/2019 - 18:30

This hearing will examine the innovations high-speed broadband services bring to rural America in a variety of sectors such as agriculture, education, health care, and small business. The hearing will also explore the need to bring additional reliable broadband connectivity to rural America.
